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What am I Job?

lawyergirl06's picture

Words texted to me an hour ago by SO. His job is in jeopardy because a new company has come in and taken over IT at the medical facility where he works. The house sold for auction and almost covered the outstanding debt but BM filed a motion preventing him from getting rid of anything in the house and so now an eviction has been filed, of course asking for fees and costs. He is being sued for her car because it was in both their names and MOTY is getting out of treatment a month early with no aftercare plan because she's cured!!!!! She hasn't followed through with a single telephone call she fought so hard to earn and starting in a few weeks we aren't going to be able to go on any trips because she gets four hours of supervised visits EOSat so we are stuck in this little hellhole.

And today's his birthday. I suppose a well timed blow job may have to be in order. I am thinking about hiring him a hooker for that reason. Smile
