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Some language, mostly feeling apathetic though.

LemonGrassLove's picture

I am currently hiding in my room while my BS is sleeping. I've been sick with the flu for almost a week and my SO has been a total jackass the entire time. Now that I'm finally getting over it SS comes to stay for the weekend. For whatever reason every time SS comes to visit SO has to buy something for him, almost always food. This doesn't seem like a big deal but we have a very tight budget and his going to Quiznos or Safeway every few days to give his kid something he wants doesn't help it much. I've mentioned to him that we can't afford it and I just get my head bitten off.

Anyway, one of my pet peeves is a child telling an adult no. Showing disrespect is absolutely ridiculous and should be taken care of immediately with a swift kick to the arse. In the hour that he's been here I've already heard him say no to SO and he told me no as well. That's when I decided to take my leave of the situation. I told him off, gave him a swat, and peaced out of that shit. SO has to work tonight at 5:30 and guess who gets to play Mommy to this shit bird from 5:30 to 9? This lucky lady right here! I'm sick, BS's sick, and we get to play one big happy family with a kid who doesn't give two shits about us.

In other news, has anyone ever read Twilight (I only got about 5 pages into the first book) from a stepparent's perspective? The kid takes care of the BM, the kid 'puts her foot down' about when and where her father will visit her, the kid calls her father by his first name, the kid has hardly any money when living with the BM and her father buys her a car when she moves (Junker, but still), and that's just in the first 5 pages! From what I've heard about this series it's basically shit about this high school couple, because we all know that high schoolers have it all figured out, and how they're 'meant to be'. That's a perfect fucking thing to be telling middle and high school kids. 'No sweetie, you know what you want, your parents don't know what they're talking about.' Fucking POS. Isn't it bad enough we have kid shows that make adults out to be morons but now we have books that make teen romance out to be AMAZING. Absolutely ridiculous.