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Just when I thought it couldnt get any harder

leogirl819's picture

Okay I am going to go insane! I have been married to "Joe" for 2 1/2 yrs. He has 2 children from a previous relationship and I have one child from a previous relationship. Then we have a child together. His two are a girl, 13 boy, 10. Mine is girl, 10 and we have a boy, 3 together. I feel as if my life is in constant turmoil! If I write everything I have gone thru in the past 5 yrs that I have been with Joe I would be writing a book! So heres a short version:

when I met Joe it was the most amazing time in my life (besides the birth of my babies) he was and is everything I have ever dreamed of! I absolutely ADORE him and love him more everyday. When we met, he was living alone in the house he bought with his kids mom (they never married)they lived there together not even a yr and she left. First leaving the kids with him so she can go do her thing....??? Anyway, eventually the kids ended back with her (long story, but def not because he was a crappy dad) it just worked that had joint custody. He would have his kids Sun and mon on his days off. So about 3 yrs after they had broke up I came along with my at the time 5yr old daughter. I met his kids, we hit it off immediatly and my daughter and his kids became fast friends..really like within 10 minutes! We thought this was the most wonderful thing!!! We started dating and within 3 months I became pregnant (i know it was SUPER fast) but somehow we knew we would be together...just a feeling Smile

So things were really really good. The children were excited to be having an addition to the family, we all got along. So after several months of us picking his kids up on Sundays, taking them to school Monday and Tuesdays, I started noticing litlle things, like his son was in kindergaten and his bookbag would be FULL of paperwork, never returned to school (needed to be signed, looked at etc...) and I found old curled milk like had to be a week old..SO NASTY!!! it was such a horrible odor! How his mother didnt notice I have NO IDEA!!! Then his daughters bookbag was same way, dirty clothes, old food, NASTY! Then came the clothes they were wearing smelled like they been sitting in a dirty hamper! Which come to find out, they were!!!! They told us! They would go days without brushin teeth, takin baths....just totally like forgotten about I guess.

After some time my daughter and I moved in with Joe and we continued to have kids on sun and mon. So my son was born in 2006 and we were married in 2007. But let me tell you, having stepchildren on the wknds and having them full time is a completely different ball game!!! First, his son moved in with us 1 month before we were married! OH GOODNESS!!! what a hell of a time I went thru with him!!! He wouldnt listen, breakin things, trouble in school, lying, wouldnt do homework...etc etc... Now what was i to do??? I DID not raise MY little girl this way!!!! I was crying, screaming, yelling, just a total mess!!! Obviously he was not taught how to be a good little boy over there...never held accountable for his actions. HE wanted to come live with us sooo bad! But how I wished he would go back!!! Over time though, things really improved, he was now in a structured environment, and he liked it..... April of 2008, his daughter HAD to come live with us, because BM was evicted..(SHE DID NOT WANT TO COME) for the obvious reasons that there was constant ADULT supervision at our house and we have rules and discipline! so SHE CAME TO LIVE WITH US (temporarily 2 months) HAHA she is STILL with us!!!! what a joke!!!! BM is living in someones house renting a room!!! So I guess she cant come live there or whatever.

Everything is sooo falling apart! All thanks to SUPERBM over there who can do NO WRONG!!!!! My husband and I do everything we can for those kids and we get shi**ed on all the time and I know this is natural but there is sooo many things that BM has done to these kids and my husband that is totally unacceptable!!!!


okay so when she took the kids back from Joe, it was because she wanted child support, so she went to the court, got joint custody but that the kids would live with her, and child support!then, she needed a place to live because she was evicted from that place too, and JOE co-signed an apartment because her credit was SO bad and they were his kids....the rent was 700 and he was paying 900 a month in CS, plus she has an awesome job that pays VERY well! So he co-signed and guess what? 2 yrs later she was evicted AGAIN! 6 months of back rent, bed bugs, stained torn carpet, broken appliances, etc etc.....ON JOES CREDIT!!!! So now, he has 400/month taken out of his check to pay that back!!!!!! We tried to fight it, but did not work!!!!Good thing when The kids came to live with us, the CS was dropped!!! So I had to convince him to get CS from her to at least make up the difference for the garnishment. Even though, he gets CRAP for CS like 250/month !!! I did all the phonecalls, paperwork, meetings...etc etc for all the court realted issues, to help him out. And because of the way they were living it is the best forthem to be with us. BM is manipulative, lying, disgusting and so many other words!!! She tried to "get with" my daughters father by giving her kids her # to give to him. she has put her daughter on ADD meds when she DOES NOT need them at all!!!! she has ran up medical bills for her kids (we provde ins, so u know who gets those bills) she has in some crazy way really turned these kids against joe and I...makes me SICK!!!

I have built up such a resentment towards my step kids and I have no where to turn. Its come to the point when they do wrong, it pisses me off so bad I fight with Joe and now anytime his kids do wrong, he ignores it so it doesnt end up in a fight and he thinks it keeps the peace..WRONG!!!! it makes me insane! so now there is NO discipline at all. he never backs me up on anything!!! they do go to their mothers rented room on the wknds as arranged by the courts, but now she comes and gets them whenever she wants and he does nothing! (hes working when she picks them up, I am at home) I did so much for him in dealing with the court because that what he wanted!!! now, i feel totally disrespected and un appreciated! when his daughter had just turned 13 last yr, she was at her moms and lost her virginity while her mom was at work and her little brother was in the room!!!!!

I talk to my mom about everything...and like i said not anywhere near EVERYTHING is written here...and she tells me that they are only children and I resent their mOTHER so it makes me turn on them. I am to the point where I dont speak to them or be near them, I cant stand them!!!! they lie, and constantly just do things they know irk me!!! I have done sooo much for these kids, more than their mother has ever done. Things were great in the just their presence makes me ill!!!! please if anyone can give me advice I REALLY need it! I dont want my marriage to fall apart and I dont wantmy kids to continue to see all this negativity. Its like a war zone in my house!


soverysad's picture

You say you love your husband and can't stand his kids, but it sounds to me like your husband is the problem. First, you don't have to love his kids. Second, it is your husband's responsibility to teach them manners, respect, good and appropriate behavior OR give you the authority to do so and back you up. If he isn't doing those things, why do you love him and not like his kids? He is the problem. I disagree with your mother that "they're just kids". Not all kids behave badly, as you know since you have kids. the problem is that "they're just kids with no discipline" and that is your dh's fault. You can blame their mother, but they've been living with you long enough that they should be adjusted to rules and consequences. Lay down' some ground rules with your dh on what you will and will not accept as far as behavior. Make a list, make a chart, have a family meeting. Discuss everyone's role and the rules and the related consequences and start implementing. If your dh can't do that or thinks you're being unfair, they you need to tie the consequences to HIS world. What is it you do for HIM that you can take away and make HIS life more uncomfortable? Talking without consequences is nagging. If you won't change, you need to set boundaries and set consequences for anyone crossing them (even if that someone is your dh).

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

GiGi222's picture

I agree with what SVS said. I also feel like the moving around back and forth had taken a toll on them. My son seriously needs a strict schedule otherwise he freaks out.
I also think that they are in their tween years and they think they know everything.
You need to have a talk with your husband and try to figure out how you can approach this together. Good Luck Smile