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Why does he ask

Lifer33's picture

Do all dh do this ? Moan and seek advice then do nothing about it!

This is a text I sent to my friend ....

Dh ringing me when I'm in the shop, got 2 tins of paint in 1 hand basket in other n dd being a handful too. Only answered because it could be about his mum's illness!

He says ss cried off again says he's tired. At least he didnt say revising this time. I says bs it's a Ted day off school  tm so he'll have arranged a sleepover or summat.he says anno I'm getting fed up its every week ain't it. I says yup n I'd be more upset about the lies. There's no way he's been revising every week coz all the schools are winding down for holiday! Why don't u just politely call him on his bs. Oh he cant, He'll just get upset or ignore it.

OK then I'll call him next time he rocks up here expecting a 2nd dinner there won't be one n I'll say I stopped making enough for you as you cried off at like 4pm the last 4 weeks n the food got wasted. Its rude the lack of notice.

He says don't do that coz piggy will retaliate n ask for extra maintenance. What all 7 pounds just give it her and make your point 

I says well you asked n you're doing nothing so can I go now I'm busy. 

So lame 


Lillywy00's picture

I can't understand anything you typed except the title.....

Do all dh do this ? Moan and seek advice then do nothing about it!

The answer is simple....

Most people dont really want you to give them solutions (especially not are wired to be the 'solution providers') what they really want is to vent, to be heard, to have someone to listen to them/validate their concerns.....

If you give people the solutions (especially men), 1) you just gave them free unlicensed therapy 2) theyre gonna go do what they want anyways because they don't want to feel like they're being 'controlled' 

Lifer33's picture

My bad . I was just super annoyed as dh never rings from work,  I only answered as his mother is in a bad way. (Fell downstairs and broke 6 vertebrae in back and neck and all her ribs at 78) all the call was about was whining his spoilt little 'expletive ' can't be bothered to visit tonight 

Lillywy00's picture

This is why I hate answering calls from this dude here too and sometimes will pretend I'm busy and make him text me with what does he want so I wont be caught off guard by his own fake emergencies/crises/moan n groan sessions that him/his ex-wife/his kids created and expects me to help him figure out. 

If I were you I would have interrupted him, pretended UPS or whoever was at the door, and rushed him off the phone

JRI's picture

Because he wants to whine.  Just go "that's too bad" and go on with what you're doing.  I wouldn't fix extra servings at dinner.  If your SS unexpectedly shows up, your DH can share his own, too bad for not letting you know, so sad.

ESMOD's picture

Did he ask you your opinion? for a solution? It just sounds like he was informing you that his kid was not going to come for his visitation.. so maybe you wouldn't need to cook for him that day?

To be honest.. he probably knows what he should do.. but for whatever reason.. the cost of  employing his backbone is too high.

If I were you.. I would start cooking less.. or cooking things that would do well as a leftover lunch for your DH the next day if the kid didn't show.

Lifer33's picture

Not explicitly ask, but he did say he was fed up and what would i do if if it was dd? 

Whelp, I wouldn't have let dd treat anyone this way, not in the least her own father, whatever the circumstances,  since day dot. Bm encourages and enables ss to lie etc 

We get told at 4pm when his visitation is at 5 so that's plain rude in my book.

I'd already reduced my output to a one pot such as chilli or lasagne,  for these circumstances. Every single Tues Thurs, and now we are all bored of that ongoing menu in case ss decides to grace us. And equally I can't even afford to waste the extra cooked rice in anticipation of his non arrival 

ESMOD's picture

It is rude to cancel at the last minute.. definitely.

But.. I understand you don't want to "waste" food... but why can't any leftover food be eaten the next day?

I mean.. extra chicken piece can go into a soup with vegetables.. or cut up with that extra portion of rice for a stirfry.

You, your DD or your DH could eat that extra serving another time.. serve it to your DH for breakfast..haha

freeze the portions to warm up for a spare meal.

Cooking extra for one person is really not THAT much of a burden.. just means you have extra to go into a later meal.. it's just my DH at home now.. so we always have leftovers to fold into future meals.. or take to work.