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Wish me luck, send prayers my way

Lifesucks's picture

First of all I want I say thank you to all of you who have responded to my posts! Every single one of you have been positive and very helpful and it really has helped me a lot.
I am about to start my second round of clomid 100mg. If you have read my first post, I had said I had went through my first round and it didn't work.... I have PCOS and do not ovulate.
My DH and I want a baby so badly and I pray this is the round that will work!
Positive comments or success stories are very appreciated!!


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I don't have a reassuring story, but I am sending positive vibes and wee little bitty warm fuzzy baby thoughts your way. Breathe deeply and visualize the baby in your heart. It will come to you.

z3girl's picture

Sending positive thoughts your way. My advice is to never give up!!

I also have PCOS, and tried Clomid a few times, but it didn't work. DH also has a low sperm count so the dr only gave me the Clomid to make me feel better after a bad visit with my first RE. We had IVF in Czech Republic, and that didn't work, but in between rounds I spontaneously became pregnant. After 4 years of heartbreaking infertility, I now have two little boys.

I think (in addition to the medications) my refusal to accept defeat played a major role in my success. So keep a positive attitude (yes, easier said than done) but know it will happen for you!

simifan's picture

I did Clomid a couple of times, had to have IUI to get DS and it took over a year. So hang in there & do your best to stay relaxed and enjoy the time with DH. I remember how stressful sex became. Good luck. If you want to talk to someone who went through it albeit quite some time ago (DS is 11), PM me.

LuckyGirl's picture

I had BD 5 months by IVF. It's a hard road and only you know how much you can take.
I had acupuncture after my first few treatments, and it helped me respond much better to the treatments that came after. Just a thought.
I can honestly say it was worth all the heartbreak and cancelled/failed attempts, to have my daughter. She is the greatest gift I have ever received and one I am truly thankful for.
Good luck, magic can happen.