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BM screwed herself over!

lil_lady's picture

BM got a primary co based on moving the kids for her schooling... the kicker. She didnt get into her course and is now on a waiting list so not moving! Appeal here we come!

Bf family have had a relationship with bm until this hearing and where dissapointed with her actions where still acting like it wasnt a money issue. They where upset the kids where moving and she was taking them. When we told them we where moving and hoping to organize shared... they all acted like BM is reasonable and would roll over... Noe she isnt and proving her true colors to everyone which I am slightly happy for!

When asked to go back to the 50/50 agreement bm told bf only if you agree to start communicating... her version of this is to answer his phone whenever she decides to call him about some stupid request.Way to use ur kids as pawns! Seriously I dont know if I am just overreacting but this to me comes across as a desperate attempt to still have some kind of relationship 2 years later!