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I got approved

Lillywy00's picture

Game over for Disneyland Dad and this relationship 

Ironically when he realized I was dead a$$ serious about leaving is when he started acting like he had some damn sense / cajones regarding boundaries with his ex wife and kids. 

All the sh*t that has drove me up the wall 

  • going inside his ex wife's house 
  • letting his kids be loud indoors
  • letting his kids be overly pampered / being bumps on logs while we catered to them (cooked, cleaned, entertained them) 
  • Letting his ex wife drop his kids off every Friday while he worked
  • leaving his kids in the house for the house to raise them
  • expecting us to go everywhere together 
  • taking his b*tch beck n Call hotline calls 24/7 even in bed (and yes even during intimacy once) 
  • and more 

All of it he got better and and did change 

Unfortunately the change came too late once I was convinced that while we have similar values he we just wanted different lifestyles 

Despite all this am I devastated and sad. If his kids were over 18 this might have worked. But they're not. I've Been randomly crying like a b*tch and still my mind is playing tricks on me thinking "oh he's changed and it's not that bad"

But I know long term living with skids indefinitely will not work for me and it seems like that's what he wants because he mentioned twice he wanted custody of his son and his son is constantly demanding to be at this house more and more. 

I will miss him. I'll kind of miss those kids too. But I know it's for the best for everyone if I leave. 


Winterglow's picture

Congratulations!! I know it's hard but it's going to be exhilarating to take your life back. Please be careful when you leave ...

simifan's picture

I agree with Winter here. Please be careful when you leave. Your STBex sets off alarm bells for me. Make sure you have someone with you to keep you safe.

It is always sad when something ends, especially something we thought would last forever. You have not been happy for a long time & you deserve better. 

SMto3's picture

Congrats Lilywoo! 
Your situation reminds me of mine in that it seems that the difference in parenting styles is what causes the most friction. 
Trust me, you will be better off and and a lot happier! Even if initially you're sad and confused, the peace that you will have in your new place will be worth it! Even if you wanted to keep dating until his kids grow up, but from separate homes, at least you won't be living with him to witness that whole annoying mess that is his life. 
I missed my Ss18 for like a day after he left, and I blogged about it, but overall, I miss them both a lot less than I thought. I think what I miss is not real; it's an imagined hopeful ignorant reality I hoped we could all have. I wanted us to be that family that blended well, I wanted to at least get along with them and vice versa. But lack of discipline on my DH's part and their mom PASing them demolished any chance of that ever happening. They mistrusted me, stole, lied, refused to grow up, and yes I think they knew how weak their dad was as a parent and used it all the way, even though I told them what would happen! 
Congratulations!!! You need a "I'm free" party

ESMOD's picture

I'm sure that a big part of this is that you are mourning the relationship that "could have been".. with the "man he could have been".  The reality, if your posts were at all reflective of your life with him.. there is zero way you were happy.. and zero way that he was the right person for you.  You don't usually dredge up that much vitriol if you are just "annoyed".

Congrats on the new place.. and be safe as you transition.

AlmostGone834's picture

The mind tricks happen every. damn. time. 

I am convinced you could be leaving Satan himself and you'd still have those mind tricks. Everything always looks rosier in the rearview mirror. It's less scary/unfamiliar there even if we were miserable. Unfortunately the if we stay there, we stay miserable whereas this "scary" stage doesn't last. 

Catmom024's picture

Congratulations!  Don't second guess yourself.   The exwife would never let the two of you have any peace.  Any boundaries he puts up would just be seen as a challenge to her and she'd up the game.   He would slide back to his old ways because they always want to do what's easiest.  It's a matter of time before at least one of those kids is there full time. 

Read the Adult Stepchildren forum if you already haven't.   Trust me,  it never changes. 


Merry's picture

So he doesn't do anything you ask by way of boundaries and skid behavior. But he starts making changes when he figures out that you actually are moving out. That's about HIS comfort and not about you at all.

I know it's painful now. But pretty soon the fresh air away from him and his spawn will be sweeter for you. 

Rags's picture

Please do not consider my pride in your courage and execution of this as condescending.  It is purely admiration and relief.

I am sorry your are hurting and grieving.

Now, stop beating yourself up over his/their crap.  Grieve, but do it separate from them, completely separately, and do it while you are out doing the things you love doing. Then when the grief ball is bouncing around in your mind and hits a feel bad wall you can immediately and willfully recall how much you just enjoyed the Wine Down Wednesday event at the symphony/opera/museum/etc.....

During one of her therapy sessions DW't therapist presented grief as a graphic where there is a square room that has a big ball bouncing around in it and when the ball hits a wall, sorrow and grief erupts. The ball is big in the begining.  Over time the ball shrinks and hits a wall less frequently.  Eventually, it is little more than an infrequent unpleasant memory in your metal room filled with great things from living well.

I came up with what I call Rags's Three Day Rule during my dating years and firmed it up during the demise of my first marriage.  A break up hurts. They all do. But, it only hurts the worst for 3 days. Then, from day 4 and each day from there going forward it hurts a bit less until eventually, it is nothing but a rare unpleasant recollection.  Unless, you re-engage at all. In which case, the pair resets to the maximum point and you have to go through it all again.


Call your attorney to start the forced sale of YOUR house and let XBF deal with your lawyer.  Get your asset disposed of, your share out of it, and keep living well.

Give rose

Air kiss

Elaboratingmess's picture

 Being over 18 doesn't alter mess at all. In actual fact I'm trying to get to grips of leaving due to various reasons and his adult children/ex wife. It won't get better. Instead you can look forwards to the atm of daddy, the weddings and all that drama and then grandkids. If you've got yourself a spineless jerk with divorce guilt and Disneyland dad syndrome, then no, it will only get worse. Don't wast time on these oxygen thieves!