3 stepkids
help I need to vent. I married my husband about 2 years ago but have been involved with him and his kids about 5 years. He has a 22yo with 3 kids of her own, due to drug use she lost custody of but completed programs and received her kids back. She now only smokes marijuana. The babies dad is a drug addict who is in and out of jail for hitting her. Next is the 20yo who is the father of a 2yo. Btw no one works. He is a heavy pot smoker. Also neither have graduated high school. 3rd child, daughter 17yo, she is actually doing well in school but also smokes weed, so the issue is that they only call or come by when they need money. They all get government assistance and my husband pays child support for the youngest. They came by this weekend and managed to get $400.00 out of my husband. Whether it was through food, shoes, clothes, snacks, Uber, cell phone bill. I know why does my husband do it? He feels guilt, that he doesn’t see them enough. Both adult children with their SO and their children have lived with us and didn’t pay rent or food, constant mess, no manners. Their mother cannot care less about them. She does not buy food and didn’t have gas/heat in her house for 6 months. My step kids also drink all the alcohol in the house all though only one is of age. I seriously hate them. I just needed to vent I have told my husband how I feel but he just says it’s only for a couple of days a month.
- Lindaguerita11's blog
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You are a strong woman
I could not live like that even 2 hrs a month. Your home is your sanctuary, not a doss house 2 days a month.
If I were you and staying with the guy I would tell him to book into a hotel for his 2 days a month and he has a budget to take care of his heathens. ONLY smoking dope? Not in my home.No way, no how, never, ever.My job and DHs job is not worth keeping skids happpy.
I'm with oneoffour on this.
I'm with oneoffour on this. "Only" smoke pot. LOL! Okay, so I'm guessing these people are high while they're with their young children. Gross. But it isn't "only" smoking dope. They're also getting drunk. Whether they're of age or not, these people are PARENTS. Don't those kids deserve better than drunk/high parents to be responsible for them?
I don't know. I've been reading more and more stories about adult skids who are on drugs and drinking and popping out kids left and right and none of them work. It's a sad statement on the direction of this generation. Really sad. And the taxpayers get to pick up the tab for their partying ways.
Look, if they're all on government (taxpayer) assistance, yet have enough money for pot, alcohol and whatever else they use to entertain themselves day to day, then there's no reason for them to be coming to your home/DH looking to mooch even more money from a working adult. The way I see it, they've maxed out their mooching.
Unless your DH lays down the law with them, it will continue. He should be kicking them in the rear to get jobs and be responsible human beings, not encouraging them to be leaches on society and raise yet another generation of moochers.
I don't know how anyone can live in this type of situation. I'd wake up each and every day wanting to shower with a Brillo pad. No, I'd actually not get involved in this type of situation to begin with, living with a group of slugs.
You've married into quite the
You've married into quite the trashy family. Why do you think you did that?
Your husband and his ex have spent the past twenty-something years creating these loser addict kids, and apparently they're okay with them being bottomfeeders. This is their normal. They are all sick together.
You really don't have much leverage in the situation, so all I can suggest is counseling for you and for your H if he's interested in changing.