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DH Clueless Long

Lit'l Bit's picture

DH's birthday is coming up. He sent me a text wanting his "special Birthday present" I text him back stating that I was angry with him and that we needed to have a talk and maybe think about counseling. He text me on his birthday saying he feels old and that "special Birthday present" would make him feel young or at least better. I text him back "lol nice try but that wasn't going to work".
I have been pretty much disengaging in both him and his daughter. SD26 needs to get the h3ll out of our house. Last fall I had taken my birthday off from work. I went to the grocery store then came back home and was putting the groceries away when I discovered the SD put a big a$$ wine bottle in one of the refrigerator shelves. Which that by itself would not have been a problem but she cracked the shelf in the process. There were a few other things that had happened that week also. I was bitching at her about putting dirty dishes in the clean dishwasher or eating the majority of the left overs and leaving in a big ass dish that could have been transferred to a smaller dish or if it was so small of a serving the remainder could have been just thrown away. Just stupid everyday $hit...right. So DH is at work and I text him that I was done with her $hit and she needed to move out. So I am sitting at the table and hear her phone text tone going off. They, DH and She were texting back and forth. Then her phone rings and I hear her whining "I don't know...I didn't do anything" So I left the house. Before I start my car I text DH and told him that if he had any questions he should have texted or call me not SD. So he tried several time calling me and I just ignored him. Later he apologized and I just let him know the damage was already done. So now 6 month later he still doesn't get it. She need out of the house period. And he isn't getting none until she is gone lol.


Powerfamily's picture

Tell DH that only special birthday present he will be getting is an apartment for him and his daughter to live in.

Both off them are treating you badly.