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O/T Daughter Baby Daddy issues

Lit'l Bit's picture

Need a little advice please. BD24 has daughter 3yrs old. She recently moved back home after living with Baby Daddy for 6 years. Baby Daddy is using daughter has bait for trying to get back together with BD. He has pulled all kinds of crap. The latest is that he went to where ever you go for food stamps and cash aid to apply for services. He used the baby as a dependent because he couldn't qualify by himself. Now since he applied for cash aid my daughter will have to pay $350.00 in Child support. The baby doesn't live with him...dumb a$$. Plus he is threating to take the baby and move out of state. I told my BD when she first moved back home to apply for primary custody. Now he has made the threat she needs to move on it. Does anybody know what else BD should do? I was thinking restraining order. She has a text from him stating he was going to take the baby. with a line of if we try to work things out this will not be happening or will all go away. My dad this Shit to us when we were kids and it ended badly. I don't want to take the baby away from baby daddy but I also don't want something bad to happen. advise please...


Maxwell09's picture

She needs to establish that she is his primary care giver and it also looks better if she files for custody before he does. Get a lawyer and makes sure she talks to them about the threat of taking the baby out of state. BM did this to DH when SS was 2 but the most our lawyer could get was an order to keep BM from taking him out of the state. But just like custody orders and protective orders, theres little to enforce until after the fact (as in he takes her out of state). She needs to establish that the place she is living in now with the baby is her primary residence (address put on medical paperwork etc, daycare if she goes).

Lit'l Bit's picture

She needs to establish that the place she is living in now with the baby is her primary residence (address put on medical paperwork etc, daycare if she goes).

This is already done.

Cocoa's picture

Your daughter needs to call DHS and let them know that baby daddy fraudulently applied for benefits. If they were never married your daughter already has sole custody. It would be up to baby daddy to file for visitation. And if he is threatening to take the baby and fleeing I would NOT allow unsupervised visitation until he actually has a court order. He sounds unhinged.

Lit'l Bit's picture


Lit'l Bit's picture

yes he does. But the child should never be used as a pawn. My dd has always let baby go to Dad's whenever he wanted her. The problem is that life gets in the way with him. If there is something better going on he will not take the baby. Since my BD left him he has the baby Monday night takes her the child care Tue morning then has her again Friday night. Saturday morning my dd pick the baby up and dad has the baby again sat night thru Sunday Morning or Sunday morning thru Sunday night. The rest of the time the baby is with my daughter.

This is his schedule not hers. She lets him have her whenever he asks unless of course she has made plans.

Cocoa's picture

if dad is concerned he could try to get 50/50 on his own. Why in the world would OP's DD do his job for him?