Wow, I've been busy. I got a second part-time job at an animal hospital. I am so happy to be back in the feild and back to a full-time schedule.
I can't believe my Bio girl is leaving in 3 weeks for college. That's going to be a cry fest.
I can't believe SD12 has been with us for 3 weeks and is staring to talk about living with us. BF had court yesterday with DK, who still hasn't found a place to move to. Anyway she got snotty with him and said 'you do know she is coming with me when I move'. All I can tell you is if this does happen, it's going to be one hell of a fight.
Which I prefer not to have when getting so close to the Wedding.
Bf & I had sex maybe once since SD12 has been with us. My Bio is use to hearing us sometimes but I'm so afraid she will.
How do you people do it. (pun intended)
Sd has been a pleasure. She helps me clean, fold laundry, she loves joking around with me. When she leaves, there is going to be another cry feast.
I didn't see any posts from Caitlin. Any word.
- Little Jo's blog
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So Good to Hear
from you, and even better to hear that things are going "well" in quotes because I know you heart will crack a little in coming weeks when your daughter leaves,etc. It is so good to hear your sd has had a relief from DK for a while, and I will keep my fingers crossed it becomes a long while. You are a strong girl Jo, and I know whatever crossed your path in the coming weeks you will jump or stomp all over it!!! I have been busy with summer too, hiding from the heat in the computer room, training the new pup, chasing the kids, and tending to the gardens (which I think are melting right now...LOL) Cheers to you and yours!
Thank you Ladies
It's going to be rough. BF told me this morning that last night after I went to bed that my Bio broke down and cried to him how scared she is. The pain of labor is easier than this.
Thank you. I'm sure I will need you alot more as we approach August 23rd.
"May the forces of evil get confused on the way to your house." George Carlin
We don't....
Usually... because we're sooo damn tired! LMAO.
No, we don't really worry about that sorta thing. Usually, the kids are sleeping, and we close their doors, and ours and well... it's an adult matter. If you get loud, maybe you could tone it down, make it more, well... intimate that way?
Another thing we often do is turn the radio on, or the tv up in the bedroom. If you got a squeaky bed, take the squeaky out of it. LOL.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...