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BM drama

LittlePanda's picture

SD spent some time with grandma on BM's side during this break. She got to talk to her mom, who is in jail, a few times. SD has not heard from her mom in months. SD does not hear from BM even the majority of visits shes had with her grandma! Her mother knows where we live and can easily write to her child. SD has been living with us full time for the majority of a year, and prior to that it was 5050.

So, my husband just told me that SD opened up about one of the talks with BM, and that BM told SD that in March she will be out and wants SD to move and live at the grandmothers house with her.

I gently brought it up with SD, and the word she used that stuck in my mind was "permanently." "My mom wants me to come live with her permanently." She really sulked down when she said that part. I am sure she is probably feeling loyalty conflict and is confused about how to feel or what to feel. The crazy part to me is that her mom could very well get 50% custody or more back because the family court system is so backwards sometimes.

"Permanently," I am sure, is the word that BM used when she talked to SD, and how ridiculous!! The nerve of BM saying that to young SD! After not speaking with her for months, after being in jail again. It just blows my she has absolutely zero concept of her daughters life with us or the reality of her own life with SD! What does it even mean!!


LittlePanda's picture

drug and theft and probation violation. 2nd time in 2 years that she has been in jail for the same offense. SD is 7. Prior to BM being in jail this time the custody was 5050 and had been for about a year. Prior to that, my husband was the custodial parent and had been for many years.