OMG the things she told me!
:jawdrop: Middle aged SD called the other day to tell me how I should raise my children. She was indignant that I would not let my bio be her friend on facebook and that bio did not return her text messages. This is the same SD who along with her brother has refused to talk to their father for almost 3 years now.
In this conversation I was told so many ugly things that I am still in disbelief! I will try to fill you in a lttle at a time as to do it all at one time would be an astronomical effort. My feelings about the outcome are mixed as I will explain later.
I was repeatedly told that I was hateful, cold and mean throughout the entire conversation - primarily in an efort to demand that I let her have access to my bios who are still minors. ( That's a sure way to get your way - call the other person names LOL!!!!!)I informed her that as a parent I got to make the decisions about who my children associated with and that based upon how she had treated her father over the past few years I did not want them associating with her until she and her adult brother worked out their problems with their father. The topic of why she can not work on her relationship with her father desrves an entire blog on its own!
I did not respond to her continaul taunts that I was mean, cold and hateful but instead politely told her that she was not being allowed to associate with my bios because of her horrendous treatment of H, my bios, and myself over the past years. She denied doing ANYTHING. As I said earlier - she actually denied not talking to her father for the past few years! She said her father had not told me the truth about her not returning phone calls and messages!
She also denied snubbing my bios at the store last summer. She implied that my 17 year old was not telling the truth about that!
She then went on to tell me that I was driving a wedge between her and her father and my bios. I informed her that I was not the one that had decided to not talk to her father 3 years ago so she had started everything. It would be kinda hard to drive a wedge bigger than that one!
She then accused me of " everything always has to be about you". I asked her what she meant and she then stated that I would make decsions about her and her brother when they were little!
I asked for more specifics and this is what she told me............."WHEN WE WOULD LEAVE TO GO HOME FATHER WOULD MAKE US GO UP TO YOUR BEDROOM TO FIND YOU TO TELL YOU GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jawdrop:
How horrible of me!!!!!! Slap the handcuffs on me and haul me off - my god what child abuse!!!!!
Really - she was serious as could be..... I am just dumbfounded. How in the world can a college educated woman believe that this is anything more than her father asking that she show common courtesy to the person whose house she had spent the weekend in ! We still remind our own bios to say goodbye to people when we leave somewhere(SHAME ON US - that is child abuse per adult SD :jawdrop: )
She then went on to complain that they had always had to tell me goodbye up in my room - that I had NEVER come come downstairs and told her goodbye!!!!! I had to laugh at this because I knew this was a bunch of crap - my god most of the time I rode with H to drop them off!
The fact that they could take such a mundane thing, twist it around, and then try to turn it into something sinsiter as adults simply blows my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS SIMPLY CRAZYYYYY and I MEAN BIG TIME CRAZZZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean even if this was true, which it isn't, how in the world does this show that everything is all about me or that I made decisions about them - after all according to her version her father would tell her to come tell me goodbye - I didn't ask. Just saying.......
Based upon what else she said it is obvious to me that she has no real memories of her own of the past - just what she was told happended by BM. I sincerely doubt that she ever has an original thought of her own based upon everything she told me...... :?
There was so much more equally ridicoulous drivel spewed at me - still shaking my head at this.......
I told my H what SD said and he is speechless too. We do both agree that this is pathethic because it shows the level that they will stoop to to look for or make up things just to have something to complain about.
I would love to hear your take on this.....I'm still almost speechless over this particular statement.
I'll fill you in on the rest later. I could fill pages with the outrageous stuff she told me..................
- LONGTIME SM's blog
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Damn if that is child abuse
Damn if that is child abuse then I must be doing it too. I always make the kids say good-bye, hell I even say goodbye to SS and wait for him to say it before I open the door for him to leave. lol
Some people out there truly
Some people out there truly create their own reality. And evidently this "woman" created a reality in which you are an abusive, horrible person and I truly dont think there is anything you can say at this point that is going to change that.
Which only shows what an excellent decision you made to keep your bios away from her. I dont think I would accept anymore of her calls. She's crazy.
I have mixed feelings towards
I have mixed feelings towards SD. I did care for skids as children but as adults they have destroyed what was there. I quess I was not sure if H had any chance with SD in the future - I know he does not with SS. SD really did not want to talk to me about the issue but H and I decided to tell her that if she wanted to know why the decsion to delete her from facebook was made she would have to ask me because I made it. H did not even know what facebook is unitl now. I suppose we hoped that her dislike of me would keep her from calling me. Plus I felt that she would know that she could not get over on me the way she does her Dad and she would not bother to call. I should have known that she likes confrontation and could hardly wait to engage! LOL!!!!
At one point early in the conversation - I informed her that I would not continue talking to her if she did not quit yelling at me - I told her I was not her father and I would not take it - that unlike him, I would hang up. Although she called me names and continued calling me names she did not yell or go off the deep end again which she does with her father so I continued to talk to her despite her nastiness. I quess, instead of what she alledges, I am basically a nice person and I hoped to be able to get through to her. I have always been the friend and famiy sounding board helpful type (the family fixer) if that helps explain my decision to keep talking - I know now that my efforts were futile and I would not put up with it again. You Really CAN NOT REASON WITH CRAZZZZZY!!!!!! I also know that I will NEVER try to talk to her brother - there would be no reason.
I only took the call because she was calling my H up demanding to know why I was making the decision to keep her from my bios. I was tired of watching him be pounded on by her and her brother and did not think it was fair since I was the one that had made the facebook decisions. I was also indignant that she would dare question my parenting decision for my own children.
The bios have never really had a relationship with her as the oldest bio is 17 years younger - they played with her children that is the extent of it. The new desire to have a relationship with my bios is just a powerplay on their part to interject themselves into our lives and to try to create more havoc while continuing to snub their father. They NEVER called bios before all of their tirade started 3 years ago.
SD is a little crazy. Why so
SD is a little crazy. Why so insistent on being friends with your bios on FB? Uh - get a life lady. Just sayin'! It's all a manipulation tactic. Draw attention to her because she probably feels a little wounded. She didn't call her father for 3 years and wow, how dare he continue on with his life?!! Just calling her repeatedly wasn't enough... she, apparently, needed a parade to show her how important she is. How old is she, by the way? Wow.
Rest assured, the decision about FB was yours alone to make and you made the right one. Ignore her rants, mean comments, name-calling. She is simply unhappy with herself and her life.
Believe it or not SD is
Believe it or not SD is 34!!!!! I do agree with you, after all that she said I now realize that my instincts were correct - all of this attempt to get to my bios behind our backs while still snubbing their Dad is a manipulation tactic and she will go to any length to try to get at me. Based upon what she said it is obvious that she seems fixated on trying to manipulate or hurt me using H and my own children.
I know this for sure based upon her past acts and her admitting that she was mad that H does not make decisions for bios without clearing it through me. I informed her that H did that only because he did not want to be the one to tell them no. Of course SD would never believe the truth that H is simply a lazy father like so many others. No instead, she wants to believe that
I hold some type of power over him - hence the incentive for the powerplay.
And really the reason this is an issue for SD is because of the fact that H defers to me on most childrearing decisions for my bios. This has thwarted her getting him to undermine me when it comes to my bios in favor of her which is her and her mother's intention. I mean I felt nausea when in our conversation I heard so much excitement in her voice when I told her that H had first jumped me when she had called up yelling at him about the show incident three years ago. The mere fact that her yelling at him caused him to jump me for no reason without asking about the actual facts thrilled her! :sick:
If anyone wondered why I have kept bios away from them this is why - they are all (SD, SS, and BM) consumed by revenge and nastiness!
Anyone for a little
Anyone for a little PROJECTION pie????
This just shows you that she
This just shows you that she is nuts, as is her brother, and there is nothing you can do. It's sad.
She's 34. SS is 35. I don't
She's 34. SS is 35. I don't hold out any hope that they will grow up. They and BM share a brain......will fill you in on this later. :sick: