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Why is it always our fault?

lost hope's picture

FDH & I have only spoken once since we had a huge argument last Saturday about his son. And when we did talk, he again refused to put the blame on anyone but me. He asked if this is how it's going to be, me not calling him or trying to 'fix' the situation and I told him yes, until HE learned to be a parent and stand up to his son and start backing me. I went on to say that him and his son were more of a couple than him & I were and that at this point, I didn't know what WE were. And also told him this is the reason why I will NOT move into his house yet and why I have taken my house of the market.

He said that this disengaging has got to stop and I told him it would when he started parenting. The unfortunate part, it's probably too late. His son will be 18 in a couple of weeks. I sent him an article that I found on the internet on why I felt this was my only option and what he had to do to make it stop, told him to read without being closed minded and defensive. We'll see, I just sent it yesterday.

Sometimes I am just ready to throw it all in and say forget it, this is not worth it. But the thing that stops me is that I do love him. Lately though I don't respect him very much because of how he lets his kids treat him, me and the rest of his family. His kids leave tomorrow to go back to BM's house for the week, so we'll see if he calls me to talk about all this. But like I've told him before, he can 'talk' all he wants, until I see 'action' my mind will not be changed.


fedupnow's picture

I know exactly how you feel. I love my DH but I have no respect for him especially how he is being such a pushover with his daughter 14 and his son 20. They live with us full time in the last 4 years and I have been miserable. And yes I often ask myself if this is all worth it. If I knew then what I would go through with stepkids I would have never gotten involved with him. I was warned time and time again by my friends and never listened. Now I am kicking myself for it. Good luck to you

lost hope's picture

Everything you said is so true for FDH. He is terrified that his son won't come over anymore - but when it comes to his daughter, he has told her if you don't like it stay at your mothers. He just doesn't get that if I try to get along that his son has to do that too. And I already know he'll continue to do what he does now. His son and I got along great until he turned 16 (FDH & I have been together for a little over 5 years, engaged for 1). At that time I made the mistake of agreeing with his dad about something and the she's not my mom and the she needs to butt out started. He refused to talk to me for about 6 months!!!! But yet FDH didn't do a thing. FDH has even talked him out of going away for college. He definitely doesn't want him to grow up and go away. I guess time will tell, but for now I am NOT going to participate in this insanity with his son which means I will not go see FDH whenever his son is there.