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So here is where I am now

lostinbrazil's picture

After the whole Prenup argument I shut down. Completely. That was my last straw. Yes, he has done numerous things and yes I have been teetering back and forth if this is really worth it, but the honest answer is that I want to be in a relationship, I want to be engaged, I want to get married. I see I have jumped the gun.
BM is no longer a problem to me on a day to day basis. FDH never speaks with her on the phone in front of me anymore. He probably does still speak to her but she stopped calling. MIL is still in constant contact with her and FDH encourages it. Like he feels guilty or something.
After the prenup conversation I told him that I no longer was his fiance or girlfriend and that we should try to enjoy the next couple of weeks because it will be our last. stopped acting happy. I stopped pretending like things were ok, and he didnt like it.
I really dont want to just be negative every day all day long but what can I do?? Seriously we are together almost 24/7! and if he is not there then his mom or sister is..We live in a one bedroom apartment and I am over it.
I feel like he purposely says very hurtful things to me and it makes me wonder if he is subconsiosly testing me.. to see if I really love him or not. I want to prove to someone that I love them more than anyone else in the world. Because I want someone to tell me that as well. But my huge heart has gotten me into many other crappy situations to date..


StarStuff's picture

I know it must be heartbreaking for you, but it's definately time to cut ties and count yourself lucky not to marry him. You are a person of worth and deserve to be treated as such. Always remember that.

silentnites's picture

A very good move. Good for you. It will be hard for a bit, but you will move on and find exactly the person you deserve. You have seen a window into your future, and the good news is you are not married.

You will find what you are looking for, do not settle for anything less.

Keep strong!!

HungryEyes's picture

I agree. Do not settle. You can do better! Be happy you didn't marry this guy! He is not for you. Waste no more time with me.