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no bounderies

lovebounderies's picture

Y did my sd ask her dad don't he wish him & her mom could talk like they use to & he said yes now I wouldn't have a problem with it if that's all that would take place every time he does the whole friendship thing my sd's bm wants my husband @ her beckon call any time any where and my sd knows this she wants them back together so does the bm but husband can't see this when ever I say sumthng I'm always jealous or over acting my sd has become more clingy with her dad demanding his time when we try to spend time together she even goes as far as asking him to sleep with her until she falls asleep she 8 y does she need a chaperon to fall asleep now when he's at work she sleps just fine I'm really big problem is these are the behaviors she had when we first met we've been together for 3 years now so why now are they starting back up could the bm have sumthng to do with my guess is yes but let me say that out loud and man o man does any1 else have these issues with their sk's please help me


QueenOfMean's picture

Same experience you're having blew up my rship wtih my DH 5x before it healed enough to see us through to marriage. however, the BM is 'around' all the time, can't get away from her, she's compulsive with communication and I had to teach DH to not respond immediately to her. He wld even pick up the phone when we were alone and getting intimate. What a buzzkill.
I have said many times I feel as though I married a married couple who live in separate homes.

This blog is amazing to vent everything that exists and has been building for the last 3 years. Regressive behavior that the parents coddle out of guilt, the lack of personal responsibility, the lack of parental responsibility in RAISING the children, the HELICOPTER parenting which ENABLES the children to act like morons and the bullshit manipulation. Its never really one isolated event...any reasonable person would forgive a minor aberration from time to time. But the bad pattern behavior stresses me out to a point of feeling nauseated at the thought of spending time alone with SKIDS and DH. Not sure this union will last....I just want to be happy and thought progress would happen with good, healthy role models (ie me and daddy) surrounding them. Not so much....very sad. Unnecessarily complicated. Tragic to an extent and it might have to end just to release the joy I have bottled inside bc I can't seem to express it around the SKIDS since they act like assholes for at least 50% of the time, which is far too often for me.