SD so RUDE!!!
Today is my BS 14th birthday. My BD8 "bought" him a special card, picked out candy for him and balloons, she is so sweet SD16 doesn't say one word to him, everyone else wishes him a Happy Birthday, she goes in her room to hid and goes to sleep. F_U SD, BS hates you anyway! Little be-otch!!
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Thank you
Thank you
Happy birthday, focus on the
Happy birthday, focus on the positives!!That girl doesn't deserve any thoughts at all, just ignore her and enjoy seering your son happy!!
Happy Birthday to him!! Don't
Happy Birthday to him!! Don't feel bad. SD15 cries at everyones birthday. She pretends to be sick, hurt or upset about something else but really cannot handle anyone else getting attention but her. Every birthday ends with her crying hysterical and running to her room. Its actually pretty funny and DH is on to it finally!!
Well I hope you made Him a
Well I hope you made Him a huge yummy cake that she WON'T get a piece of! If not... Go out and buy one! If she's so rude to not "participate" then she can watch all of you celebrate and go run off and boo hoo.

And if she's anything like my SD she will see the cake and all the sudden "change her attitude" and be all fake smiley "happyyyyyy brithdayyyyyyy!!! Hee hee hee". (**gag!)