I just found the key to our bedroom hidden in SS's room...
Ok, I'm not proud: I had a moment that I went into SS's room purposefully to grab and bend the bill of his favorite ball cap. He wears the rims straight and freaks if it is bent even in the slightest. So yes, I am pissed that he won't cop to the fact that he damaged the drawing and that he feels free to be rude to everyone around him. Yes, I was going to seek retribution. I have been talking myself out of it, because it's not the kind of person I am, but I had a moment of weakness.
So I grabbed the ball cap (didn't bend the bill, but was very, very tempted) and the spare key to our bedroom fell out.
Talk about divine intervention.
I am so fucking mad right now!!!!
I take it to H, he asks SS about it. SS pulls some shit out of his ass about he "was playing a game and wanted to see if his dad would notice it was missing." Then he lied when I asked him why he was in our room in the first place when he knows he's not supposed to be and said, "My dad was right there with me and he knew I took the key." My H tells me, not SS, that he wasn't in the room when SS took the key. Why H didn't call the shit out on it is beyond me.
SS is currently acting like a total ass - true to form. He took off out of the house to "run away," because he was called out on something that he shouldn't have done.
I looked right at him and called him a baby. Hopefully the disgust on my face portrayed just exactly how distasteful I find his behavior to be. This kid is turning 11 in November.
My H sat down at the table to eat his breakfast. I looked at him and said, "Could you please let me know when YOU have reached YOUR limit? Because I am really, really, really past my limit. Every. single. time. that kid steps foot in this house - he pulls some shit. He feels perfectly free to break shit, disrespect the people in this house, disrespect other people's personal space, AND to take things that don't belong to him. And what point do YOU say enough is enough?"
Eventually my H goes outside to force SS to come in. I went outside for a moment, because I was shaking with my anger. I swear to God, if it isn't one thing, it's another. This kid just does. not. stop!
I walk back into the house to find my H trying to talk to him. SS is being a total shit: he's eating his pancakes and ignoring his dad. His whole demeanor is that of, "I'm not listening to you and I don't care what you say."
So I just walked up to the table, grabbed the plate of pancakes away from the kid and said to my H, "You have to take away whatever it is that he is using to distract himself from listening to you. If he's using something to avoid having to pay attention and is being disrespectful, you take that item away from him."
I looked at SS and said, "Your father is talking to you."
SS got really shitty and said something snotty to me. My H looked at him and said, "Why are you using that tone of voice with her? You have no right to talk to either of us that way. YOU are the one who did something wrong, not LRP and not me."
He made SS go to his room. SS is having a true-to-form-Grade-A-temper-tantrum.
I looked at my H, in front of SS and asked, "When does he go back to his mothers?" My question put SS into another tizzy. My H told me that they have to leave at 12:15. I said, "Can you call her to meet earlier? I don't want this kid in my house."
SS started spazzing out. I just looked at him and said, "Our door has a lock on it because YOU. CAN'T. BE. TRUSTED. I am over you. Every time you come here you pull some crap. At what point do you stop acting like a baby and start acting like you are going to one day grow into a man with some integrity?"
I left to go for a walk. On my walk, one of my neighbors was setting up for a garage sale. Perfect, browsing through piles of junk will keep me occupied for a bit. I actually even found some items that I have been wanting for a long time, but didn't want to spend the money on. So I told my neighbor that I had to walk back home to get money and that I would be back.
I go back home and go to grab my money. Oops. It's gone. I asked my H, loudly, if he took it. Nope. SS pipes up about how he didn't take it either.
I looked at him and said, "You were the only other person in the house. If I left it there and H didn't take it, but it's no longer where I left it, you must have taken it."
He started freaking out some more. Yup. He took it.
My H looks like he wants to die.
Every. fucking. time. this kid comes into this house...
Yes, I freely admit that for the first time in my life ever - I want to punch an 11 year-old kid in the face. Of course I won't, so don't freak out on me. But I freely admit that I fantasize about it.
- LRP75's blog
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agreed. They both deserve it.
They both deserve it.
Don't forget BM - she
Don't forget BM - she deserves the hardest punch for raising her son to be a delinquent!
No way. That kid would not be
No way. That kid would not be in my house. Nope. Anyway your DH can rent a room at a hotel on the weekends he has SS so they can spend time together but SS doesn't have to come to the house. You shouldn't have to feel like you've been run out of your own home. I'm sorry.
I've already tried that. We
I've already tried that. We don't have the money for a hotel room. I WISH!
Also, no one else in the family wants the kid in their house either. So it's not like my H can take him to go stay with anyone else.
As an interesting turn of events, my H left to take SS back to his mother. They weren't supposed to leave until 12:15, but they left an hour early - which is as early as they could leave considering when all of this went down.
I know why I would take the kid back early, but I wonder what my H's motivation was? I *HOPE* that he is taking the kid back early because HE is tired of the behavior and NOT because he is going to blame me for it. Ug. Probably the latter if history is going to repeat itself - and it usually does.
I am so over this shit.
Every. fucking. time... if it isn't one thing, it's another. My H hasn't parented this kid and now he's a monster. It looks like my H *may* be fed up, but I don't know. I hope so. I also hope it's not too late for him to un-do the damage, otherwise - look out world because here comes another one of "those."
Also with my SS18 I replied
Also with my SS18 I replied with is SS12 that I have noticed acts exactly like your SS. always breaks something, trashes up something or screams non stop until I want to fucking slap his teeth out. DFH is fed up with his crap and allowed him to live with BM. Everytime DFH gets all guilty and wants to see SS, the kid can't go 24 hours before DFH is FED UP with his behavior and carts him home early.
Hopefully this is the case for your DH also.
I feel so bad for these kids!
I feel so bad for these kids! I really do!
I think that there are cases where a seed is just bad from the get-go. However, I believe that there are more bad parents than there are bad kids.
These kids are being done a HUGE disservice. As a result, other people hate them. How horrible for them. They aren't being taught any better AND they have people hating being around them. It's terrible for the kid really.
But on the other hand, I am NOT that kids parent. That fact has been made abundantly clear to me over and over and over again. Which means that I have been relegated to sitting on the side-lines watching the train wreck as it's happening. I have a lot of problems with that, but one of the biggest problems that I have with it is:
(to my H): You do NOT get to choose to not parent your children, allow them to treat me like crap, and then think that I should "love" them or "enjoy" spending time with them. I don't think they are "cute." I don't think that their behavior is "cute." I don't think you are "cute." I think it's bullshit and I am going to respond like it's bullshit. YOU are the one who wants to give your kids a "free pass" every time they pull some stupid ass shit, but that does NOT mean that *I* have to be willing to give them a "free pass." When they get out in the real world, society is going to think that their behavior is a whole lot less "cute" than I think it is and society sure as the fuck isn't going to extend a "free pass" just because YOU love them and don't want to parent.
Thank you. It's part of
Thank you.
It's part of "Child Rearing 101" if you ask me. Not surprisingly, it didn't occur to my H to do it.
A child should NOT be allowed to ignore their parent when they are being talked to. Period.
Good idea!
Good idea!
^^ THIS. I would also suggest
I would also suggest you search him and his belongings before he leaves - down to his underwear if you have to. That is ridiculous.
I would not want that kid in my house. But since your DH can't visit with him elsewhere, let him know that he will be treated like the person he is. If he wants to be a thief, he will be searched.
Ugh! That's some crazy shit. Hope things get better for you. I surely couldn't deal with that shit. Someone would get slapped.
Searching him and his room
Searching him and his room before he leaves to go back home is an EXCELLENT idea!
I'm actually tempted to go search their rooms now just to see if there is something else in there that shouldn't be. However, my H isn't here and I don't want to find something with him not here. Knowing the mental gymnastics that his brain does to explain away or deny that his children are responsible for ANYTHING they do - he would probably accuse me of planting it there.
As an example: He said that because neither of the skids owned up to damaging the drawing, that he didn't "feel comfortable" punishing both of them, because one of them would be punished even though they were innocent. And that if he should have to punish both of them, then my son should also be punished because maybe he was the one who damaged the drawing.
WTF???? :jawdrop:
yeah, that's the level of ignorance I'm dealing with over here.
SS18 took our bedroom door
SS18 took our bedroom door key WHEN he was allowed to live there. I went to Walmart at 10pm and made DFH change the deadbolt right then and there. Found the key after SS went to jail and I cleaned out his pigsty...er room. DFH never questioned SS' 'I didn't take it' and it was a wonderful 'I told you so' when I found the key.
It's pretty normal for a
It's pretty normal for a young man to want to go live with their father at some point. My own son wanted to go live with his dad when he was 15. It was time. I let it happen without a fight. It's normal.
But I tell ya, I live in fear of the day that SS is going to want to come live here. I imagine that will be the day my H and I get divorced.
I *hope* that my H is starting to see the light. Each time SS does something, it's my own little "I told you so." I mean, at some point my H is going to have to stop ignoring his sons bad behavior and start to recognize that something needs to be done.
At least I hope...
I just find it crazy that I have been fighting the urge to seek retribution for a month now. I don't want to be "that person." But I had a moment of weakness and I went into the room to grab the hat to do damage. I think it's crazy that that's exactly where SS was hiding the key and that the key fell out.
Seriously, divine intervention... :O
"Execute a search warrant on
"Execute a search warrant on him and his room too. Then leave him to pick up the mess. I assume in a short few years if he doesn't get his shit together, that'll happen to him anyway."
So true.
UPDATE: H just called me and told me that SS had something to say to me. SS got on the phone to apologize to me for going into our room and to say that he won't ever do it again. All I could say was, "Thank you." I don't feel gratitude for his apology any more than he feels sincere with his apology.
yeah right. SS will never cop
yeah right. SS will never cop to that, H will not make him nor hold him accountable for it, and i will never see it again.
I'll just consider it the cost of learning a lesson. I'll never leave money out again. Shame on me.
Hahahaa... Well... it's my
Well... it's my husbands money to begin with because I'm not working right now. So....
BUT it was "my money," because it was the change from some cash I'd withdrawn from the ATM to pay my way through some haunted houses on Friday night. So it wasn't really "mine," to begin with. I wouldn't have cared if my H had taken it - even if it were MY money. However, it's not ok for any of the kids to take money that isn't theirs. Just because it's in a dish-thingy on an end table, doesn't mean it's theirs to take. They know this. They just don't care.
Honestly, I should have known better than to leave it there. I know that the kid can't be trusted around money like that. I just forgot I guess.
Not that SS shouldn't be held responsible, but really the lapse in judgement is a shared responsibility.
I should have taken the
I should have taken the opportunity to really grill SS:
"Ok, so you're sorry about going into our bedroom."
"What about lying about it?"
"What about taking something that didn't belong to you?"
"What about the snotty way you talked to your father and I?"
"What about your disrespectful behavior?"
Ugg. Shoulda, coulda, woulda.
Talking to the kid makes my skin crawl.
LRP75 you sound like a nice
LRP75 you sound like a nice and sensible woman. I'd hate to be in the position you are in as it sounds horrible. Your SS would drive me nuts too but like you, I recognize it is more of a situational/parenting issue than anything else.
Doesn't make it any easier to like the kid or to want to have him around though.
Take care of yourself when he is there, it might help a bit to go for a hike with a friend or go shopping or to the gym or anything. Just to create some peace for yourself.
Sigh. Poor you.
Thank you. I'm just trying to
Thank you.
I'm just trying to get through it all. I don't know if I'm always sensible, I mean, I wanted to extract my pound of flesh from the kid and came *this close* to doing it.
I can't even promise that I still won't do it.
I probably won't. But I'll fantasize about it for sure.
This! I wouldn't have the
This! I wouldn't have the little thief sleeping under my roof of that's the best he could do. His behavior super sucks.
I've suggested that.
I've suggested that.
OK, so search the kid and he
OK, so search the kid and he is always under (armed. You wish!) escort when he is in your home. And the next thing is ... don't you wish you had bent the brim of his stupid hat?
The next time you know he has stolen something call the cops. Have a nice tough cop turn up to check him out and read him the riot act.
Yes, I feel sorry that these kids are not being brought up properly. It isn't fair and sets them up for a lifetime of crap. Guilty freaking fathers and over-indulgent mothers have a lot to answer for. Where does a 10 yr old learn NOT to steal? At home.
Maybe when you calm down and he is at your place again you could have a conversation with him like "I want to like you. But I do not like liars, thieves and kids who disrespect the people that put a roof over their heads and food on their plate. So you have a choice. This 'war' will continue and I will win. There is no doubt about that. Or you can get an attitude change and be well behaved and help out. If you choose this path you will be rewarded. If you choose the other path you will eventually end up in jail for a few years. I WILL call the cops the next time my money goes missing. So if you find a PENNY in this house you better bring it to me. So make up your mind.. good SS gets lots of fun stuff. Bad SS gets to end up in jail." He has the power to choose and he knows what will happen if he steps over the line.
I hate it when kids are banned form their other parents home. It makes the step parent sound fariytale-evil. But when these kids continue to treat people like this you really have no other options, do you? When my SS was doing drugs, drinking and driving I told DH he is not welcome here until he makes changes in his life. I cannot afford for my GD (living here at the time and only3) to be around people like that.
And find a freaking hat and bend the brim. I know I would!
What a bunch of children. The
What a bunch of children. The whole household. No wonder the step acts like he does.
Grown ups need to be and act like GROWN UPS!!
...because she clearly feels
...because she clearly feels superior.