SD melt-down over brushing teeth...
So that's how the morning started.
SD having a crazy melt-down over having to brush her teeth. "I don't brush my teeth in the morning."
BM is such a great mom. Seriously... :jawdrop:
I give DH tons of credit. He dug his heels in, stating that they would not leave the house until she brushed her teeth.
She spazzed out, went to her room, whining and flipping out. Then she started texting her father to try to engage him. I looked at him with that, "SERIOUSLY - DO NOT ENGAGE" look - so he refused to respond to her texts. Which prompted her to come out to the living room to "do her show."
I simply looked at her and said, "excuse me, but I'm trying to do my homework."
So she shut up and went back into her room.
I whispered to DH, "remember, you just have to be more stubborn than she is."
After about a half-hour, she brushed her teeth. It took her 1min. She wasted 45min having a temper tantrum for something that literally took her 1min to do.
Life is so hard, right?
DH did good. He did real good. He hardly needed any prompting from me. It could be that the prompting I did give him, he didn't need at all. I'm not sure I gave him an opportunity to handle it before I piped in with as little as I did pipe in about.
- LRP75's blog
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I hope so! Thank you for the
I hope so! Thank you for the encouragement!
You insisting is what gave
You insisting is what gave him the courage to draw the line -
these men think they need permission to discipline their kids, it is crazy!!!!! so give him permission!
Well if you are a team
Well if you are a team sometimes he will need your strength to help him, if you keep it up, sd's histrionics will cease, this is good parenting, she will brush her teeth, as soon as she see's that neither of you will back down she will give in, keep it up and good for you
My SD8 doesn't "believe" in
My SD8 doesn't "believe" in basic hygiene, either :sick: Her hair is always ratty, her feet stink, and she doesn't take baths unless FDH hounds her to. OH, and she stays in the same clothes she comes in - gross! In the summer, it's worse because of the heat and the sweat :sick: Last night, FDH told her to take a bath. So in usual SD form, she tried to get her brother to go first (he's always the first one to bathe/brush/etc). This irked me as it just reinforced my opinion of her trying to make the rules and getting others to "do her bidding" (in this case, to take his shower so that she wouldn't have to...she would've put it off for so long that by the time FDH came back to her, she would have fallen asleep on the couch or some such shit). Anyway, I discreetly told FDH that "No. You said that SHE's taking it first, so SHE is taking it first." And he promptly told her to take her shower. That was just another small victory for me to put in my little pocket
Then afterwards, she comes out, wearing (you guessed it) her same clothes (and yes, this included underwear, too!) and her hair all a tangled mess. FDH told her to comb her hair, but she said "No, I don't like combing my hair" - I guess the low-class-"Can't afford a comb" look is in these days. SMH I joked to FDH "For someone who's so 'girly', she sure doesn't believe in looking her best!" to which he laughed. And you wonder why she's always giving other little girls dirty looks - it's because she's jealous of them being all well-groomed and pretty! The bad part is that these little girls are going to be maturing soon (*cough* getting their periods *cough*), so what happens then??? :sick: :sick: :sick:
NASTY! BUT, I think it's kind
BUT, I think it's kind of normal for kids to resist showering and brushing teeth. What concerns me the most is the huge power struggle over it and how far they go to avoid having to do it.