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SGS20 got more info than he bargained for...

ltman's picture

Today I texted sgs asking when was he coming home today. I got a kind of snarky, 'Why? I'm not a little kid anymore.' to which I replied 'a. So I can plan how many for dinner and b. to be sure I'm fully dressed before you get home.'

He replied, 'omg. Thought you were checking on me. Sorry.'

This comes on the heels of him catching dh in his tighty whities singing and dancing 'I love rock n roll' in the kitchen.


Merry's picture

When we had our adult kids living with us temporarily (DD and SS--we waited for both to be out of the house before we would marry, and then they came BACK), we did everything we could (within reason) to make them WANT to move out. If I want to dance around in my underwear in my own house, I will. Another adult doesn't like it? Too bad.

ltman's picture

He's a pretty good kid. He's going to school and helps dh out every weekend at the store in exchange for room and board. He's male and therefore has brain to mouth interface issues (or fingers).