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BM wants us to support SS7 Grounding

Lulu90's picture

BM "grounded" SS7 from "anything fun or with friends including them at the house" until she "notices his behavior is improving"

Personally I think ground a child that young is stupid also at her house he has a ton of electronics in his room she is not taking away. Also, next week when we have him he will not be in school, we will have family in town, I invited 20 plus people (with kids) to our house for thanksgiving. SOOO we will not be grounding him. I think DHs plan is to email back that we will take away specific things not everything. ugh this women has 0 parenting skills.


Lulu90's picture

I agree. Ok so DHs plan. Type a "contract" with behavior requirements and exact punshments if they are not followed. Email it to BM saying we are going to start this at our house if you are interested in doing this together. Example If you roll your eyes or have an attitude with an adult that adult picks an extra chore you have to do and list chores like pick up dog poop, clean a bathroom, pick up the toy room. SS7 does great when he knows what is required of him and what will happen if he doesn't follow the rules (can you tell I read Love and Logic)

Lulu90's picture

Him and another child were rude to a sub at school. I think he should countinue activites that foster good behavior. She wants him out of youth group (the other kid doesn't go to our church) as well as not to be aloud to play with a specific child C (not the one he got in trouble with) C is in his class and doesn't get in trouble. I would like to foster that friendship.

Lulu90's picture

The bad kid does things like makes faces behind the teacher or trip other students. stupid stuff like that and SS7 has started doing things like that as well. I actually think this kid is a bully and tries to bully adults

Acratopotes's picture

That's for the school sub to sort out.... you where not there, neither was BM...

simply tell - that was rude my boy, it hurts me that you can do that and you know what the sub is very hurt, maybe you should write her an apology letter... end of it, he can't even remember what he said or how he behaved like

You can not tell a child not to play with some one, simply allow it at school or where ever, and never invite this kid over, ever... Explain to SS that he can be friends with this kid, but he must understand that he will be in allot of trouble when friends with this kid, and you will not always be there to help him out, he will come very unpopular as well...

Rather use this opportunity to teach him about right and wrong, then to punish him

Acratopotes's picture

Lulu - eff BM, she has no say in what happens at your house, she can just go and suck on eggs...

If SS deserves punishment at your house, then you/DH punish him and BM sure as hell will not follow through on her time, why should you follow through on her time...

she just being a controlling b!tch... ignore her, talk to SS and make it clear, you do not like to hear he's this way, but he must have reason, he can talk to you about it, and you will not tolerate this sort of behavior at your house.

It would be very hard for me not to tell SS... gmpf your mother is a monster just ignore her, you want ice cream....

Lulu90's picture

Him and another child in class were rude to a sub. Him and this child get in trouble together by being silly in a disrespectful way.

BM pushed the friendship with said child

kcbonline's picture

If you don't hold up the punishment at your home, its just like playing good parent vs. bad parent. It shouldn't matter who's custody he was in when he was bad because technically he was at school. So that means that the BM has to be the bad parent because she got the call about his behavior? Had the teacher called your home, I'm sure he would be in trouble with you and DH instead. Also, grounding shouldn't be looked at as an inconvenience. As a BM, she's not responsible for making sure all of BD's moments are happy with his son. Sometimes things get ugly. Good Luck

Lulu90's picture

If we follow her instructions I have to disinvite everyone for thanksgiving. It isn't happening. Her "punishment" has no end date and doesn't explain very well.

Lulu90's picture

If we follow her instructions I have to disinvite everyone for thanksgiving. It isn't happening. Her "punishment" has no end date and doesn't explain very well.

Maxwell09's picture

It depends on what he did. My SS5 came home from school on a Friday with a red face. It's the worst you can get and BM had visited him at school that day. DH got onto him and told him he was punished for the evening. SS5 replied, "it's Friday, I'm going to Mom's and she'll let me play" ....yep. As the kids say, "he gave no "fu€Ks" because his mother is his friend, not his parent. DH tried to talk to BM about it and she told him that he misbehaved at school and school is "DH's time so it's "his" problem and she'll do whatever she wants on her time with SS.

So yeah, I think it really sucks to be on the parenting end of this situation and the kid gets to escape his consequences but at the same time if she's punishing him for his bad behavior but he doesn't act bad at your house, I don't think a week long punishment at your house will help his behavior at her house if she isn't following through.