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DH dilemma, I can't put it into words how to help DH stuck in the middle of his sister and ex

Lulu92's picture

Ever find yourself in a situation where you have an idea in the back of your mind what you want to say, but you just can't quite put it into words?
Here's the scenario, it's DH's sister's 21st birthday next Saturday and she has invited us on a night out, me and DH haven't been out properly since before I got pregnant, so he asked SD's mother if it was ok if we didn't have her on Saturday night, which she was cool with at first. When DH told her that it was because his sister invited him out (may I add at this point that his sister and BM don't get along), BM suddenly conveniently remember that she had made plans to go out for her birthday that weekend even though her birthday is the week after.
She is now trying to guilt trip DH into looking after SD saying that she has no one to babysit and his sister has found out what she has done, so now they are practically starting a war with each other and DH is stressing because he is stuck in the middle of it all.
I feel like telling them both just to get a grip and stop being so spiteful by putting him in an awkward position just because they don't like each other, but I feel that if I do that it may make the situation worse which I don't want to happen. I need to find the right advice to give to help DH without it sounding like he is trying to take sides.


hereiam's picture

Your DH should have kept his mouth shut and not told BM why he wasn't getting SD that night. How did his sister find out what BM was up to?

Snowflake's picture

Wow, my husband can't wait. He looks forward to the day his kids can take him out to a Father's Day beer brunch when they are of age. It will sure beat the Captain American underwear and Hulk sleepwear that he currently gets.

When I get together with my siblings we usually get some brewskis and have a grill out. We are all adults, way past the getting smashed age. It is rather fun.

LuckyGirl's picture

This is an easy one.

To BM: "I will take her and get a sitter". She will either agree (and he does) or bitch because he won't be there at which point the respose it "fine, then she stays with you. Would you mind switching that for "x" weekend?".If she'll switch, great, if not, he misses seing his daughter that weekend - which he was planning to do anyway.

Win win in my view...