Survey of sorts
My DH and I are trying to have a baby. Just started trying but wanted to get some info. I was wondering what everyone's experiences were when BM and skids found out you were expecting. Also, how did you go about the annoucement? Did you let the kids tell the BM if they wanted or did you do something more official. Our BM is bipolar. She has not really bothered us in a long while but you just never know with people like her. I honestly do not care what her reation will be, however, I just wanted to hear a few stories so I can kind of be prepared for whatever she may throw our way. Not really concerned so much with the skids reaction either. They are 15 and 11 and only here EOWend. They do not talk to their dad much and I know the 15 (almost 16, YIKES!) will not be coming around as much once she turns 16 because she will have a job, blah, blah. Anytime we have the conversation, they seem to be ok with the idea. If some of you could just share your experiences, I would really appreciate it. Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!
- LVmyBOXERS's blog
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We're still waiting to see how it all plays out ourselves.
Dh and I are expecting our first in July. We have been married for over two years now and SD is 3. I was present and BM was aware of me before SD was even born. We planned to tell BM ourselves and try to make her feel involved in the big event in SD's life, but SD kinda beat us to it. BM flipped and said a lot of ugly things about me, then it kinda got better. THis was just two weeks ago, so we can't say how it will affect us long term. We are already in the middle of a custody battle, but I'd be willing to bet if we weren't and BM still had primary she would have us in court trying to get money.
I just want to say good luck to you and your DH and I hope you have a wonderful blessing on the way soon. I will also hope for you that BM will surprise you by not loosing it. But I can tell like me, you are preparing for the worst. Good luck and best wishes!
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-
i think
that is my biggest worry, the money. We have reason to believe BM is making a lot more $$ than she was when CS was set. We would not take her back for a reduction however bc we are not positive. In our state, additional children are not considered in the CS calcs which in turn says to me that my child is not as important as the first 2 which is total BS. Anyway, finacially we will be fine as long as we do not "rock the boat." But this may be all the "rock" she needs. She has not bothered us in a while which concerns me. SD is turning 16 soon and BM bought her a car which means BM is making the payment. However, SD is getting a job and from what I understand her income would be figured in too since BM would not be fully supporting her. I just worry she will try and force us to help pay. Who knows. I just know she is a crazy bitch and tried to ruin us when we were first starting out. I just have concerns and am trying to get as much info/ advice as I can. Thanks for your comment.
my exprience
When I found out that we were expecting (a big surpise
SS7 (six at the time) was there. he even came to the doctors with me for the refereal to the obgyn. DH was out of town working, and I couldn't get a sitter. We didn't tell BM, but she did find out. I didn't think it was much of her buisness. SS mainly, "I'm going to be a big brother" She didn't really like that cuz she dosn't think of DH as SS "DAD". And she did make some comments. One SS first day of grade 1, BM siad to DH why are you here, you have your own on the way, quit trying to steal mine. SS is great with DD. Though in the beginning it was pretty hard for him to share his dads attention. Those little ones need alot. I had to have a C section so DH had to do everything for a bout a month. But now DD is crawling, and babbling and stuff SS really loves spending time with her.
My Husband told BM
We had moved up our wedding date b/c of issues with my job, college and trying to blend three kids together. Then we got pregnant a month after the wedding. But since it happened so fast, and we had bumped up the wedding date I knew that BM would think we got married "because" of the pregnancy. We didn't want SD (then 10) to have to hear all the negative. At the time SD and BM weren't getting along at all anyway, so SD was happy to wait for my H to tell her mom.
When H told BM we were expecting she just said, " deserve to be happy too"- which was the same thing she said when we got engaged (she was engaged at the time.)
The kids (two boys- mine age 8 and 11 at the time, and SD age 10 at the time) were all very excited to have a sibling, though I had a high risk pregnancy so there was an element of fear involved, especially for my sons. They have all fallen in love with their (now) two year old sister.
Similarly to your case, SD's BM has paranoid personality disorder. BM only said one negative thing about my little girl that I know of, and SD sort of deserved it b/c she used the birth of the baby to try to get something from her mom- a sleepover birthday party that we had said no to b/c I was due any day around SD's b-day and obviously we couldn't have a bunch of girls over to spend the night. She told her mom, "I don't get to have a party b/c of the new baby" and her mom went off that "You are more important than THAT baby and your dad better know it!"
Nice message. SD then told us about it because she was still trying to use it all to get the damn sleepover. I made her feel pretty guilty for using the baby, and actually once the baby was a reality SD never did it again to my knowledge.
It's a tough road, especially sounds so in your case where your SK's aren't with you all the time, and are in their teens.
By the way, your new baby will help your H's child support obligation. His obligation toward the other children decreases with each additional Bio-child the two of you have. (Not steps.)
Goodluck and congratulations!
Peace, love, and red wine
I have heard differant things regarding the additional child and CS issue. I need to just call a lawyer nd find out for sure. Our state is certainly a pro-BM state so I figure we will get screwed somehow. I really do not know why I am even giving this a lot of thought. What happens in our house is really none of her business. I am just excited and do not want to have to deal with crazy-phsyco-crap from her. DH said he is not going to tell her officially bc he does not care what she thinks. he said we will take skids out to eat and make it a big deal. I guess we will see what happens. They (meaning SD, SS does not talk to me) is more excited about the idea of us bringing another Boxer into the fold. Anyway, thanks for the info.
We told the kids by wrapping
We told the kids by wrapping up a present for them with baby booties, toys etc. They were REALLY excited when they figured it out.
Peace, love, and red wine
Oh, that is too sweet
I know I want to wait until I get an ultasound and I also want to wait (if I can contain my excitement) until after the first trimester. I don't know. I guess we will kind of play it my ear. I am such a planner I just always want to have an idea in mind.
We waited
Til 12 weeks as well because I was a high risk pregnancy and we didn't want to put the kids through finding out and having something bad happen (though my risk was there throughout but you have to tell them sometime!) I had to be on blood thinner injections and hyper-thyroid med the whole time, plus I was 38 when I delivered. The kids took very good care of me.
Peace, love, and red wine
That is wonderful
that you had a healthy baby! Sounds like you have a pretty good realtionship with your skids. SD and I get along but not SS, AT ALL! Thanks to BM he thinks I am a horrible, mean, terrible monster. I figure my child will probably never have a close relationship with them. Which to an extent is sad. I really appeciate you sharing your experience with me! I may need all the help and support I can get in the coming months! Thanks again to all who responded!