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Hey ladies! Updates!

MamaFox's picture

We are doing well!

We move into a house in a few weeks. We didn't go for the big house because there was just too much repair needed. We found a nice little house built in 1910, and it's pretty adorable.

The boys are doing well, we might get to see them for Xmas. We got a lawyer working on the case now and he is very concerned with how the last court case went and seems to be mad as hell about it. So, thats nice. Smile

We bought me a newer (08) Malibu, so I've been having fun with that.

I'm now working 40+ hours a week AND going to school and I just haven't had time to take a shit, much less do anything online. I'm doing well in school though, I'm really enjoying all of it. Mom even bought me a coach case for my laptop because she's proud of me going to school.

Both my Father in law and Mother in law called to tell me on thanksgiving they were proud of me and love me very much.

Both my setp sons have called me Mama M over the last few weeks repeatedly, and I can hear BM in the background huffing and puffing. It's pretty funny.

PapaFox ended up buying me a beautiful 2ct Moissanite and apparently according to the Skids, shes now bitching at her husband about the 1/4 yellow diamond he bought her and how she deserves better. Thats not counting the screaming matches we hear while we are talking to the boys.

After those phone calls with them , I always have the local PD do a welfare check on the boys.

But like I said, things are going great! I love you S-Talkers! I miss you tons!

Hopefully I'll be back regularly soon!


tiny kitten's picture

Good to see you! I'd been wondering about you Smile
Glad to hear things are going well.