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22...Mother of 2...PLUS 2 Stepkids

MamaSunFlora365's picture

When I look back on my life I sometimes get depressed. I'm 22 years old and I have a 1 year old, pregnant with my second child and playing "Step Mother" to a 10 yo boy and 5 yo girl. Their Mother is a jealous ... (Trying not to curse) who snoops to try and get Information on my household. My SD is horrible! She lies on me at least twice a month, and I'm left looking like the bad guy when I go off about it. I'm PREGNANT ! && It hurts that I'm a stay at home mother so while DH is away at work I'm left cooking and cleaning along with taking all of the crap HIS child puts me through and STILL he takes her side over mines. He HATES my family so he loves throwing that in my face every chance he gets....I love him but his child will be the reason I pack my kids up and leave. Smh any advice?!!


SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

Go home to your family. Why do you love a man who treats you like this? You deserve better. Lawyer up, get a good, strong parenting plan and child support. Stop making babies with aholes.

I love dogs's picture

This man lets his 5 year old disrespect you, openly says he hates your family and leaves his kids with you while he works just because you're a SAHM? No, girl, just no. Let me guess- you aren't allowed to discipline his kids?

The child may be a brat but your husband is the issue, clear as day. How does a 5 year old know how to act right if no one is teaching her? You have a husband issue, darling.

twoviewpoints's picture

"When I look back on my life I sometimes get depressed."

You've barely lived life. There is so much more to life and living than raising four kids at the ripe old age of 22. What about your education? Two of those kids are yours and when the time comes you've had enough, you are going to need a way to support them.

It was your choice to have the one yr old and now be pregnant again, but you shouldn't be having the skids if their father isn't home. And why spend your day cooking? Does anybody really do that any more? Simplify your meals. Look into school and about day care assistance for your own oldest ... you are too young to be sitting at home catering to some man. Send the skids to BM if Dad isn't around to care for them.

Gwynnafaye's picture

Oh, Hon, No!! Just no!! If I could go back to my 22-year-old self, I would tell her to pack up and leave ASAP. I was 19 when I married Ex-H (he was 21). Of course, it was each our first marriage, and no kids to consider. He too hated my family. He too would throw imagined petty offenses in my face during the holidays. I had to beg and beg him to behave. Oh, he would put on a good show - all charm and laughs, and some of my family thought he could do no wrong. Later in the day when we would visit his family, I would pay for it with silent treatments, snide remarks, and the "white trash" comments he would tell his family because my parents had silver tinsel on their tree. It didn't matter that they lived in a very nice house or were good people, they were trash because of tinsel. SMDH.

Stupid me stayed for 18 long years and brought 2 children in the world with that man. (We had our first 6 years into the marriage) I don't regret my kids whatsoever. I just wish they had a different father. During those years, I ended up staying home to raise the kids. That's when the isolation began. I cooked, I cleaned, I did yardwork. He went to his job and that's ALL he did. Because I "didn't work," everything to do with the house and the kids was on my shoulders. I never got time off. Never. During all that, I was demeaned, cheated on (openly), gaslighted, and became a shell of my former self. I seriously considered suicide. I went through YEARS of this, and he had emotionally and mentally beaten me down so hard that I didn't have the courage or the self worth to leave him - also no income for myself. Hell, he wouldn't even call me by my name. I was either "mom" or "hey you," never Gwynnafaye.

I finally did get the courage to leave. I got a job, lived with my parents for 3 months, and then was able to get my own apartment with my kids. Best decision I ever made. It took some time, but I eventually became myself again.

Anyway, I tell you all this because if it's like this now, it will only get worse as the years go on, and you will lose yourself. My biggest regret is that I wasted my youth with him. Yes, it will be difficult, but you don't want to have those regrets I did.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Love isn't enough to make a relationship work. I was your age when I got married the first time, and threw years later, I was divorced. I divorces my XH while still loving him. It broke my heart in a lot of ways that I was leaving. However, there were many, many reasons (including emotional and mental abuse) that led me to pull the plug. I was miserable at 25, and the thought of being miserable for another 35+ years despite being in love just made me ill.

I am also a SM who has stepkids that aren't much younger than me (14 and 18 year differences) who I have been "stepmomming" since I was 26ish. The relationship can be weird with he kids because they don't really see you as being old enough to parent them, and you don't always have the skills to be parental with older kids at a younger age. My saving grace in this is that my DH does most of the parenting duties and the kids are only over EOWE and holidays. Plus, they are old enough now to be fairly self-sufficient. If DH left me with them all the time and expected me to parent, I'd lose my ever-loving mind.

You're young. You don't NEED this man. His family doesn't respect you. His kids don't respect you. I'm not convinced that he respects you. Cut your losses and leave. Raise your babies. If you find someone in the future, REALLY make sure they are father and husband material.

If that is too nuclear of an option, tell your SO how things need to change for your sanity. Don't ask him to make changes, tell him to. Tell him he needs to find a babysitter for his kids, or they need to be with mom if he isn't home. When he is home, he's responsible for all their wants and needs - you aren't doing for them other than making sure they don't die. You'll learn really quickly when you do this whether he's in the relationship for you or for your ability to play "playmate nanny".

MamaSunFlora365's picture

Thanks everyone....he is sweet sometimes and he is a good father to our child. NO I can't even raise my voice at the Skids without someone (either him or BM) complaining about it. I let him do as his heart desires! If he wants to go out with his buddies (which is a rare occasion) I let him go. It just sucks because I live 2 hours away from my family so I don't get to see them like that. But anytime I tell him his child is being a brat he swears I have some underline jealousy for her. When it comes to their birthdays I make them their cakes...I go out of my way to find fun stuff for them to do so their not bored. Their UNGRATEFUL! But I appreciate all the advice Smile He keeps saying things will get better in time. I hope so...and no he won't find them a babysitter because nobody wants to deal with them either....HIS FAMILY! I don't believe in abusing children but I do believe in a good whooping if the circumstances call for it. I'm trying to get back to working for my sanity, but this one horse town doesn't have many opportunity.

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

Things aren't going to change because you are convinced this film flam man is sincere. He feeds you a line of sugar coated BS or browbeats you into acquiescence when all else fails.

Go to family services, see what options you have. I remember when my Boyo17 was tiny, they helped me with food stamps and childcare vouchers while I was in school. I received the Pell grant that covered my tuition, books and a month or so of rent a semester. I also worked a crappy retail job to make up for the rest. It wasn't easy, it wasn't fun but it was worth it. I escaped a violent and angry man who can be a real charmer. He ended up kicking me and the baby out. His own baby. Because I bought a piece of furniture that he didn't preapprove.

Get your ducks in a row, work out a schedule that works for you and your kids and don't feel bad if you can't care for the step kids anymore. They have 2 parents; you have to worry about a good future for you and yours.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

I was married at 21, and raising Stepkid full time at 20.

My advice is to get your education. Apply for FAFSA, and every scholarship available. Find a community college with child care. Talk to your advisor about your situation and your goals so that they can help you achieve them. The most important thing that you can do right now for you and your kids is acquiring the means to support them and yourself in the future by getting an education.

My other advice is to talk to your doctor about birth control options after you have your baby, if you have not already.

As far as all the little ones go - If you can’t send BM’s kids back to BM when their father is at work, then take them all to the park - they will get their energy out and you will be out of the house. Or, take them to the local library - if you can get the kids into reading, they will entertain themselves for hours on end when you get back home.

MamaSunFlora365's picture

He told me he was going to talk to her, and she apologized for lying. He told me I was being immature for arguing with a child....I told him that he needs to have my back. I think he's just lazy with his parenting because he's not use to having to deal with co parenting. He gets them every other weekend, and most breaks. Living in a unfamiliar place makes it hard to find a trustworthy babysitter. My LO is VERY needy and smart, so not everyone can handle his energy. I'm trying to find work from home jobs until I can pay back my college debt so I can start new and be able to get the loans I need to further my education. I hope I haven't came off as a lady in distress because I'm definitely a firecracker, but my heart is genuine. I just wish his kids treated me more like I matter VS treating me like the lady who sleeps with their dad and takes all his money. I even believe they have something against their little brother. SD likes to mock him and always says she wishes she could be him. But education is a must for me...I'm just trying to get my life in order so I can start living again.

Acratopotes's picture

HOn - do not use a pregnancy as an excuse to be treated as a doormat, or to stay in a verbal abusive relationship,

You are 22, pack your stuff and go to your parents and start over, I raised my own kid alone and had him at 22.... yes you can do it,

marblefawn's picture

Must agree with SonofaBrisket - every kid ties you down even more and ties you to your husband even more. If this isn't heading where you want it to go, it's probably better to leave now. You're young. You can clean up this mess and get into a groove within a couple of tough years and YOU'LL STILL BE YOUNG! You can rewrite your whole life right now almost as if this unfortunate chapter didn't happen! Someday, you'll be looking back on this time and say, thank god I had the sense to grab something better for myself. The going will be tough either way. Might as well go toward a better day.