You’re right, I’m not his mom...
"You aren't a parent, so you wouldn't understand..."
"Try all you want, you'll never be his mom, you're an outsider..."
You're right. You're damn right. I'm not his mom. I'm not even A MOM.
I never got to feel the "magic" of a tiny human growing and moving around in my body.
I never got to experience the "miracle" of giving birth.
I didn't get an adorable little helpless baby who depended on me for everything.
i didnt get the hormones.
I didn't get the oxytocin bond.
I didn't get those little helpless baby eyes loving me.
I didn't get those first words of mommy.
I don't even get "mom".
I don't have a "parental instinct" to know what's good or bad for him.
I don't have a biological connection that makes me love him unconditionally. Even when he hurts me.
I don't have a biological imperative to keep him alive.
I don't even have a piece of legal paperwork requiring me to stay.
But I make sure to cut his jelly sandwiches into fours.
I download dumbass pop music to my iTunes account so he can dance.
I read him bedtime stories.
I give him a bear hug and rub his head when he's struggling with life, struggling to get air, struggling with why his mom's not here.
I stay up late with him on a Friday night instead of going to the bar with my friends.
I take off work to be with him when he's sick.
I stayed up countless nights to nurse him through surgery, while he's screaming for "mommy," and bought him all the toys his little heart could desire.
I go to Petrie dish kid places for his birthday parties.
I write notes from Santa and the tooth fairy.
I talk to him about "bad moms" and how we can't judge them because moms go through things that we can't understand.
You're goddamn right, I'm not his mother. I have no biological, hormonal, or chemical reason to love him.
I just do.
- MammyO’Hara's blog
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Thank you. Maybe that's all I
Thank you. Maybe that's all I need to hear.
As mammy O Hara said it is a thankless job you love them you hate them make up for the downfalls of there bio parents rearrange your life be there for the good and bad times.
But always over looked and a lot of the time the bio parents will take all the credit for the good work your done.
It ironic really but when all said and done no one else may notice but in your heart you will always know you done the right thing regardless of how things may go.
I’m sorry that anyone has
I’m sorry that anyone has ever told you that you don’t understand or you don’t have a ‘parental instinct’ because you haven’t birthed your own child. I can’t stand that kind of sanctimonious tripe, and that’s all it is.
Givibg birth alone doesn’t make someone a mom, and having a BK doesn’t make someone a parenting expert. Telling people they don’t understand what’s best for children because they don’t have biokids themselves is ridiculous. There are plenty of bio parents out there who’ve never done a damned thing that was in the best interests of their children, and plenty of SP’s who’ve stepped up the way you are now.
Your SK’s life is better because you’re in it, caring for him the way his mom should. It’s absolutely a thankless job, far more so as a SP, but don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t ‘get it’ because you didn’t birth him.
Totally Get You
MammyO'Hara, I totally understand. I was there for my SS - just saw pix of me & him at the ocean from 2012. Did it all, now ghosted for triangulated b.s. but being told he'll appreciate me & all I've done when he's 25 or so.
In the meantime.
I am proud of you and GRATEFUL on behalf of your skids for alllllll you've done for them. I admire your sacrifice of love, and your drive to do right by skid, and empathise with the pain of being discarded for Effed-Up BioMommmeee.
With much respect,