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Isn't SD too old for this?

Mantra_Momma's picture

I went downstairs this morning to start laundry and SD7's bedding is in the washer because she wet the bed AGAIN. Am I wrong or isn't 7 years old way too old to be wetting the bed this often. I'd say it happens at least once every 2 weeks. We know there isn't a medical problem because DH took SD7 to the doctor a while ago about it. SD7 was going to the bathroom multiple times a day at school so the teacher was concerned. Turns out SD7 is just fine, it's her attention span and discipline to stay in the classroom that need some work. Anyway, I have heard that some kids wet the bed for a long time, it just seems lazy to me. This didn't used to be a problem so I don't know why it is happening all the time now.


Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

My SS 12 still wets the bed. I think part of it can be genetic. I think some stress can also bring it on as well. What gets me is my DH and BM have not done anything about it!! I would be taking him to the doctor, ruling out anything medical, and then they have these bed-wetting alarms that you can buy that within 10 weeks they will stop. I have told my DH about this but he still does nothing. Instead him and BM buy him those nighttime pull-ups. He's 12 years old!!!!

onehappygirl's picture

I only wish my 9-year-old SD wet the bed once every two weeks. Try 3-4 nights a week, all 7 if DH doesn't wake her up at night to go.

Do you have full custody of your SD or does she go to her BM's house? If she goes there, do you know what the bedtime routine is?

We share 50/50 custody with The Wookie. We have Skids for a week, and then she has them for a week. At our house, SD sleeps in underware and in her own bed every night. She WILL wet the bed if we do not wake her up at night to go.

At The Wookie's house, she sleeps with her mother who makes her wear pull-ups every night. SD is lazy. Most of her wetting happens within an hour of her wake up time. At The Wookie's house, she is wearing a diaper, so she knows if she has to go, she can just go in her diaper and dispose of it in the morning. At our house, since she is so used to doing that, she will still go even though she is not wearing a diaper. She was trained that way.

I feel your pain, believe me I do. When SD wets at our house, she is punished from game systems and computer the next day. That has helped a lot because is learning that there are consequences for this. Also, DH is still getting her up in the middle of the night, trying to adjust her bodily clock so she'll be able to do it on her own eventually.

It's shameful, but SD has absolutely no shame or embarrassment about it. The only thing that has worked is taking away her precious game system.

Good luck to you.

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Jbee27's picture

Tortoise still craps his pants. LOL! No, 7 isn't too old. All you can do is change their bedtime routine and make sure they potty before bed and don't have a ton to drink before they get ready for bed.

prayerhelps's picture

Many kids sleep SO HEAVY that they don't feel it. My bro wet bed for many years---part heavy sleepy, partly due to milk at dinner. Wake SD up right before you go to bed and make her use bathroom. Eventually will feel urge themselves

soverysad's picture

As strict as I am, this is the one thing I struggle with. I wet the bed (not often, but sometimes) until I was 8 or 9. My dad worked nightshift and I was afraid to get out of bed after dark. Terrified. I wet the bed because I was too paralyzed to get up and go to the bathroom. It may not be physical, but perhaps there is something going on with stress /anxiety / fear?

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

7 is definitely not too old.... perfectson wet the bed until he was 12. He was terribly heavy sleeper plus he had a small bladder. I didn't want to medicate him for it because it didn't seem like that huge of a deal to me. He was sooooo embarassed about it too. The last thing we tried was accupuncture and as I've said before, I don't know it was the accupuncture itself, or the belief it in, but he just quit right after that and never did it again. So it will stop eventually and at 7 I sure wouldn't worry yet.

totallyexhausted's picture

I feel for you. but don't fret. As many have said here its just a matter of bladder training. At 7 there are SO many factors that can cause bedwetting.The biggest thing she could probablly use is patience. Just be thankful SS8 pee's himself all day long and admits its because he is to busy to go potty. He hasn't played a video game at our house in 2yrs and is almost never allowed to watch t.v. because he can't peel himself away. I have watched him stand up wrap a blanky around his waist and pee all with his eyes fixed on the screen. BM's position is "He's only 8. He's still a baby. He'll learn to go when he's old enough".... SERIOUSLY!! and there is NO SHAME!! soaking wet. smellin like a urineal and just as happy as can be!! Once my dog ran up to me freakin out and smellin like poo. then here comes SS smellin like poo. He had crapped his pants. Took off his underwear. Wiped his ass on my BD's sheets. Threw his poo-undies out the window. Then said the dog did it.... As You can imagen that was a long day for everyone...
Good Luck!!
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Bradybunchmom's picture

BD8 still wets bed. It is genetic in this case as her father used to do it until he was like 12 or something. She is a heavy sleeper, and has a small bladder is my opinion.

Last-Wife's picture

My SD17 wet the bed nearly every night until she was 14 years old- when her period started, bed wetting stopped. Weirdest thing. Medically everything checked out. Shrinks told us it could be psychological- she was molested by BM's stepson when she was 8. Really, I think she was just a very heavy sleeper. We used pull-ups. It was easier than having to wash the bedding every time. Waking her up did nothing to help the situation.

We did find that the room temperature might have been a factor. Something about getting cold at night.
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