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I feel sorry for DH

marika's picture

On Sunday, we had our usual get-together with some friends of ours. SD spent most of the day in a bad mood, sitting off by herself with a sullen expression on her face, often leaving her son with us as she went off somewhere else in the house. DH asked her several times what was wrong, only to be told that there was nothing bothering her.

Yesterday, one of the friends mentioned to him that he couldn't understand why SD was so rude and unpleasant on Sunday. He said "She has completely changed her life for the better in just 6 months! She has a new job, a car, a good place to live and no bills. How could she possibly be THAT unhappy or angry?" DH told me about it and asked me if he should talk to her. He wanted to know if I would want to know if I had upset someone. I said that I would, but I also said that I wasn't sure how she would react. He said that she had asked him why one of our friends had left very abruptly that Sunday, so I told him that he now had the reason, so maybe he SHOULD talk to her.

Apparently, after I went to bed last night, he did try to talk to her. He told me this morning that it turned into an argument. She said that she wasn't rude or angry, she was just tired and that next time they all come over, she will "just stay downstairs." He is very upset that she doesn't seem to care that she had made other people feel very uncomfortable and that she seemed angry that they didn't like her behavior. He said it bothers him that she doesn't mind how she makes everyone feel. I told him that he can't make her change if she doesn't want to or if she doesn't see a need to change. One side of me thinks it is good that he is finally starting to realize how selfish she can be, but the other side of me hurts for him. He wanted so much to help her realize that caring, loving people exist and that more people behave that way than the way her BM did, but I just think that behavior is too ingrained in her now to be able to change.