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New dilemma - ideas please!

Mary Louise's picture

BM has found my public blog that i have been keeping for several years. I post all kinds of things - mainly my opinions and vents about things that are going on in my life. She is mentioned in the way of "his ex" or "ex-wife" and how things that she does or has done affect dh or our relationship. I also referred to the affair she had that ultimately caused the marriage to end. I have not identified her or her former lover in any way when referring to her past misdeeds. I have mentioned dh and skids by pseudonyms and there are no pics of the kids with 2 exceptions -

back of ss head where he got stitches
pic of sd with our cat, who is blocking most of her body and I blocked out her face.

there are very few of dh, usually wearing glasses or profile. His name has never appeared on my site. There are no pics of bm or her bf.

her name and her boyfriend's name appear in an isolated post about website statistics - their ip addresses were labeled. there was not mention of who the names referred to, just the name itself listed as a top viewer of my blog. i have never connected her name with any of the posts that actually refer to her behavior (make sense?)

she is now claiming that if i don't remove every post referring to her, her relationship w/ dh, the skids and her bf, that she will not be cooperative w/dh about some parenting stuff.

my instinct is to tell her to kiss my ass that i can write about whomever and whatever i choose, but i don't think that would be wise. dh told her she should discuss any concerns about the website with me and she flat out stated that she would not contact me regarding the website, that she expected him to take care of it (ME)

this is the first time since they have been divorced that they are actually speaking to each other without resorting to screaming and cussing, so I am inclined to make some concessions. dh is afraid she will find something to sue him for again if I don't comply with her. i tend to agree with him, but wtf is the 1st amendment for if you can't give your opinion on your own blog especially when everything is true?

i'm torn. help


sparky's picture

I would delete it. We have to choose our battles and I would choose not to fight this one. Whenever we put things online we are subject to this happening.

new_step_mommy's picture

I have a myspace and I did some surveys that had things that she feels are about her in them. She is threatening "Slander", but really its not. Its LIBEL if she wants to get tech about it. lol. So I am in the same boat. However we are fighting for custody for ss. I feel the same way you do. They are your opinion...and thats it. Mine were my opinion. Why do BM have to make things so hard on us? Im a BM and I would never do these things!! Good luck with your bogs.

laughterandtears's picture

for a couple of reasons. Reason 1, she can't sue your DH for something your writing about.
Reason 2, she can't sue you for telling the truth or stating your opinion, just be sure that if you say anything about her that cannot be proved, eg. she is so mean, put in my opinion she is so mean.
Reason 3, give in on this and she will began demanding and threating more.
Reason 4, who cares if she wants to scream? You don't have to listen, hang up the phone.
Reason 5, she has no right to dictate what you can cannot do with your life.
Reason 6, since she didn't tell you, and DH told her to talk to you herself, you don't know a thing.
Reason 7, as long as you have court ordered visitation, the police can assist you in getting the children.
Reason 8, BM does not have as much power as she thinks she does as long as you and DH do not give it to her.

When BM would become unreasonable, we became impossible. She soon figured out that if she didn't want to play by the rules, we would play by a whole different set. This woman was a character. She even threatened to have kidnapping charges put on DH for his OWN visitation weekend. I told her to go right ahead. She never did, she couldn't, but she tried to control us that way. That's all this is, a way to control you. Your DH needs to tell her that she can choose to do what she wants, but he will continue to see his children no matter what she thinks.


Sasha's picture

If you've never identified her in any of your blogs, why should she worry? Unless of course she is just embarassed to see the truth. There is nothing she can do to you except make demands.

We are on the flip side of your situation. The BM and oldest child both belong to an internet forum, and the stories they tell are whoppers. They flat out lie and have fooled a lot of people. The oldest child has been saying very hurtful things about DH. The only saving grace is that he is not identified by name. We are keeping copies of things they are posting. We know that someday the information will be useful. I know if they knew we found their posts they would have a fit and accuse us of stalking them on the internet, but when you posts things out there on public forums you lose all expectations to privacy.

Is there a way you can make your blog private or accessible only by those you choose?

Most Evil's picture

My SD writing lies on her web page has ruined our relationship. She is a known liar and now I don't feel like I can ever trust her again and I don't want her around any more and DH is feeling the same way. She is almost an adult and we are forcing her to back up her allegations or take the consequences.

If you have already given up hope of keeping a decent relationship with her, this could put her over the edge and make her completely give up trying to work with you, like it has me. It is one thing to fight privately and another to post it for all the world to see, especially if it is a matter of opinion.

Being accused of something, even if its not true, is almost as damaging to your reputation as if it were and also leaves you open to the same. This gets uglier and uglier and I personally hope to not be forced to take further action against her.

"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus

bellacita's picture

does it have your real name? if it does, then i would delete it bc if anyone knows any of u it wouldnt be hard to put 2 and 2 together and know who u were refering to. if not, screw her.

unknown's picture

any 'names' of her, your dh or your skids or posted pictures of faces, i don't think she has a THING on you. i would leave it where it is, tell her to get a life, that this is none of her business really (they are your thoughts that belong to YOU) and that she should stop wasting her time poking around looking for you on the world wide internet and go find herself a new hobby. end of story.

Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.

Mary Louise's picture

nothing i have posted is untrue - she admitted to having an affair but she has lied to people about it and doesn't want them to read it. she says the kids will read it someday - it's true they might.

my blog is linked to what i was trying to start as a platform for my photography so my maiden name, not current legal name is linked to the site. she knows it is me because of a profile photo.

the kicker is that last night i emailed her, her boyfriend, my nearly mil and fil and asked them to stop reading the site. they have all said things to dh but will never say anything directly to me. i assume that if anyone has a specific problem with a specific post they will let me know. i have a link to an email address and i have open comments on all entries so that anyone who needs to reach me through the blog can do so. this is not a free myspace type thing, it is a site i have been paying for for FOUR YEARS. I do not feel that i should have to take it down or suddenly ask readers that have been reading for FOUR YEARS to now register or use a username and password to view my site. i have worldwide readers because of the photography and it makes me angry that she is such a crybaby. she has demanded that i remove so much content but she still hit the site about 70 times today after i asked her not to.

i am trying to come up with a respectful yet firm way to tell her to go to hell because i don't have to remove anything, especially if she can't honor a request that i made to her LIKE AN ADULT.

i'm pretty sick over this. i am planning to get another website that i have more control over, but i have over 400 posts and probably a thousand photos, some of which i have no backup for that i will have to transfer to a new site.

if anyone has any suggestions of how to word something i would love to hear them.

ColorMeGone2's picture

I'd say this:

Precautions have been taken to prevent the casual reader of my blog from connecting my comments specifically with you by name. Your identity remains safe.

Then don't say another word to her about it. Ever. Tell your DH that he should not address it with her, either. If she tries to bring it up, just tell her "I'm sorry you feel that way" and then change the subject.

She's rubbernecking, Silversomething. She's driving past the train wreck of her own life and can't stop staring at it, because you've placed it so neatly right there in front of her. She can't help herself. That's why she keeps coming back. As for people reading it and finding out what she's done, hey, don't do the crime if you can't do the time. We all make mistakes. So someday her children will find out she's - shriek! - imperfect. If she were smart, she'd tell them herself first and, hopefully, teach them a lesson from her own failures. If you find it cathartic, don't give it up. Disguise it, change servers/hosts, reconfigure it if you feel it's safer that way, but don't give it up if you don't want to.

Stick the little fiction disclaimer on it...

"This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental."

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

goldenlife's picture

If you let her continue to encroach on your life, you will start to have little respect for yourself as she takes more and more control of you and DH.

Livin' my life like it's golden!

Nymh's picture

She sounds like she's beginning to exhibit the behaviors that my SS's BM started out with four years ago...which can aptly be named "The Decent to Hell". If you want to read some scary stuff, go check out some of my blogs on this site from a couple of years ago. Can we say, "Cuckoo...cuckoo..."

Looking at a website 70 times in one day is not simply casually checking it for changes. Considering that the average person is only CONSCIOUS for 16 hours a day, that means she's checking your website about every 15 minutes...that's stalking. She's sitting on her computer all day long reading every single little thing that you write to hopefully use it against you later.

If that is something that you are OK with, then by all means leave your blog up and public.

I learned a long time ago that while it is letting her "win" a small battle, it's sometimes just not worth the stress that it puts on YOU to "put your foot down". I found myself checking my website statistics constantly, checking my email dozens, sometimes hundreds of times a day, and trolling every website that I had anything to do with every single day to see if BM had been there or left her mark in some way. I amassed hundreds of pages of evidence against BM for stalking and harrassment....but after all the stress and anxiety and sitting up at night with your mind racing thinking of the next retort you'll have to BM's ridiculous crap it gets to a point that you really have to step back and it worth it? After a couple of years of driving myself crazy wondering when the next anonymous flame post or indecent remark would be made by her on one of my websites, I decided that it's SO not worth it. She may not be doing it now, but try exercising your rights for a couple months and see what happens...I guarantee you she will.

Try not to look at it as giving her "control", because that's not really WHY you're doing it. It's more like "damage control". Most blog sites/software have the ability to make certain entries private/priveledged while others remain public. If all of the entries which mention BM in any form are in the past, perhaps you could just make them all private so that they're not a problem anymore?

After saying all of that, I have to wonder...if you're linking this blog to your business, why are you trying to protect its entries which are personal in nature? You don't want potential customers reading about your personal life and all your dirty laundry, right?

I really hope I didn't come across as preachy or mean...just trying to say "been there, done that, burned my f***ing T-shirt!"

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

lostinwisc's picture

I agree with leave it up. You never want to give her control over what can and can not do with your life. If you take anything down, do it for yourself, NOT because she said to. The minute you give her power over what you do, she will take advantage of it. BM's can be like kids. They will push their limits to see how far they can go. You have to show them their boundaries. I also would not respond to her demands. Thats what she wants. She wants you to feel upset because her feelings for whatever reason may be hurt. Don't give her demands the time of day and if she wants to torture herself by reading your blog every 15 minutes, let her. It's not hurting you...

Mary Louise's picture

crap - i just relayed what i decided to do on the wrong thread. check out the one titled

does bm read your blog.