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Judge sends kids to Juvie for refusing to see Dad

Maxwell09's picture

I hope the link works but the jest of it is: Mom is alienating the kids from the dad and violating the custody order by letting them refuse to visit him. Dad went to court and the judge punished the kids for refusing her Court Order. She sent them to Juvie and kept their mom from seeing them as well as keeping them away from each other so they could find themselves. Now the judge is dealing with a lot of outraged parents (GUBMs) saying the precious children were too harshly punished so now she's sending them to Summer camp so they can work out their dysfunctional family dynamics in a "happier" place.

This article is crap...the way it's written makes it seem like the judge is the bad guy. One: there needs to be more judges like her to fight PA. Two: maybe these kids will learn that they don't make the rules--a judge does! And it's not their choice where to be when nor their BM. I can't believe people thought she should lose her job over doing her job--enforcing a court order that's being violated by kids (can't send them to jail like you would a violating Dad). It might have already been discussed on ST but I just find the article to have a negative tone towards the judge and THIS is what's wrong with Family Court. People think these little children can run their parents lives because precious dumplings are COD. Vomit


notarelative's picture

All of this over lunch.

Most of the article's are anti-judge, but if you keep looking there are more details.

This is an interesting one and mentions the start of this in Israel.

This one has a more details of previous attempts to facilitate contact between the dad and the kids

christag's picture

I've followed this story quite a bit since I can relate to some elements of it. My skids were adults and not traditionally PAS'd, but were estranged from their dad for years.

JayRay is right that the kids weren't in juvie, but the transcript for the court appearance where they were sent showed they were threatened with it. The judge asked the 9 year old girl if she like using the bathroom in public and if she liked her soft bed because she would be sleeping on a rock hard mattress and peeing in public until she graduated from high school. In the previous court appearance, the mom was order to take the children on a tour of Children Village - the juvenile detention facility.

Children's Village has three sections - a juvenile detention facility mainly for gang members, a lock-down psychiatric facility also primarily for gang members and Mandy's Place which is used for house abused and neglected children who are entering foster care. They have private bathroom facilities, comfortable beds and no way of complying with the judge's orders to keep the two boys separated. But it isn't a long term facility. The average stay of kids there is a few days.

What I think people who understand PAS are missing with this story is that the judge is frustrated because the mom is technically complying with all court orders enough to avoid tossing her in jail. The children's guardian ad litem described that the kids were taken into a room with their father at a previous court appearance, and the kids huddled in a corner acting as if they were traumatized by even being in the same room with their father. The GAL is the one who is convinced of Charles Manson-esque cult behavior and describes the children communicating in Morse code by taping their feet during court appearances.

The GAL is driving the judge to do what she did, and the children no longer will speak to the GAL at all. It all seems very dysfunctional.

The kids are still refusing contact with their father and the summer camp they were sent to actually doesn't allow parents to visit at all. For the older kids, they have week long camping trips, so how they are going to have visitation makes no sense to parents who's kids attend that camp. It's just a Jewish Summer camp just like the type of summer camp my skids went to for years.

Also, I'll add that since the children aren't party to case, the judge had no authority to throw them in jail, so technically allowing her to do this would be akin to letting a judge point to a random person walking down the street and hold them against their will for 8 years.

Maxwell09's picture

I only disagree with your view of the children being merely spectators. They were just as guilty for not following the order as their mom was for not enforcing it. When we go to Family Court for custody orders we are allowing a stranger to decide where our children should be and when because their parents can't seem to work together and do it themselves. Those order are for the parents to enforce and for all to obey including the children. We say it all the time here that the kids are just kids and shouldnt be able to dictate when they have to listen to their parent. The judge had to punish the kids because they were the ones refusing to do as they were told. And I have a feeling BM was passively encouraging the kids to refuse to go just so she couldn't be reprimanded for outright refusing to give the kids to their dad. Like you said in all appearance sake she was following the CO but the reality is that because she didn't make her kids go to their dads she is violating the CO. She's not parenting them and her kids paid the price although going to Summer Camp is hardly punishment.

If a teen on the streets stole from a grocer a judge wouldn't send him to camp to figure it out! He would go to a detention center to learn there are rules in life that we all have to follow. Same applies on the smaller scale, the court order is just that an order from the court of the schedule of the lives of these kids. They might not like it but they need to comply. I'm sure little thieves think they are entitled to their stolen merchandise too but we don't just let them have it. As for their parents, BM should teach her kids that the custody order is something serious because God knows how much we pay for these papers. It sucks their parents couldn't get along and a judge had to decide their lives to a certain extent for them but let's be real here these kids are acting like they're going to a concentration camp when all they had to do is go to lunch with their dad.

WickednNasty's picture

I've been watching this and agree the Media isn't providing proper coverage. The following article contains Court Documents.

There is also footage where the Judge addresses Parental Alienation and the GAL talks about the damage done to the children all at the hands of Mom. It also addresses how the Domestic Violence was unfound. The GAL also mentions a year ago the Judge wanted to switch custody to day, however the GAL stopped her at that time. In a round about way he stated the Judge is taking the heat for his wrong call.

Footage from Court 7/10/2014

The following page has been supporting the Judge.