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Another day in the bannana factory

zuzieq611's picture

Ohhhh Crap...the mailbox project. Anyone know how to cut about 4" off a square metal post? Me neither.

Chapter 2. I met DH after he'd been here (after the move) about a year. Poor Man, looked like death warmed over. Those kids were running him ragged. He'd get them up, drop them off at the school's pre-care, have them picked up by an after school service, race to get there after work before they closed. Rush home get them dressed for baseball (or whatever) that they were always late for, they'd finally get dinner at about 8pm which always consisted of fast food, they'd actually make it home between 8:30-9pm, (this is when they should have been in bed mind you) Older SS (9 at the time) did homework while DH bathed SS#2, then after all were showered and put to bed DH would begin the laundry, getting what they needed for school etc. So....I know he knows how hard it is. Why is it so hard for us not to save them?

I suppose I loved the dedication he had. I know he didn't enjoy it, he was a zombie, but still....he did it. Not without a LOT of problems as I came to find out later. SS#1 (9) HATED SS2 (5) Because SS 1 got 2 years alone with Daddy, before SS 2 came over he felt, I guess more important. He would often say things like "You ruined everything, I hate you, I want you die", He beat SS2 on a regular basis and I believe would have killed him if given the opportunity. I caught him one day and he had SS2 balled up in a corner while he beat him with end an umbrella, thank god I caught it. SS1 would stand with his arms out and wait for his father to undress and then dress him......he was 9!! SS2 had only been speaking English for about a year and the only words he knew REALLY well were the cuss words his BM taught him. So I might be greeted with What up Mother*&^%$? SS1 very prone to uncontrollable fits of rage, that he still hasn't gotten over and he's almost 14 now. I am talking throwing himself on the floor, kicking and screaming for HOURS or until he became so hoarse he couldn't scream anymore or so exhausted he'd pass out. DH used to try to calm him during these, I dealt with it for awhile and finally convinced DH to ignore the fits. It was pretty comical at first, DH would leave the room, SS1 would become aware of this and stop kicking and screaming long enough to move himself into the room DH was in, throw himself back on the floor and resume the fit. Now that he's about 20 lbs heavier and much taller than I am, the fits have evolved into punching holes in the walls, breaking and throwing things as well as tearing the door off the hinges. I no longer find it comical, now I'm just afraid of him.

Alright, I have no way to cut this stupid post, I'll go clean the fridge and stew some more.