my ex is trying to replace me with my sons step mom
My ex and i had a decent relationship and argued at times. We had a baby boy may 28 2012. A My mother and my ex never got along. My mom said he was bad mynews. He was controlling and never let my mom meet our new born son. A few month after my mom had passed away. My ex started becoming mentally abusive than started becoming physical. A nightmare i never want to relive. Was hard for me to leave because istill loved him. Took my son with me. After a while went by he still never tried to see my son he would go to the local bar/dance club and spend his money there rather than help with thing my son needed. I finally got an apartmebt with my brother an my ex and brother started hanging out all the time. Working together. On an off again we tried working thing out. Still didnt work. My my brother wasyoung 19 years old and started getting in trouble . I had no place to go. So i wrote out a statement with my exs sister to keep my son and take him to the doctor when needed signed with a notery. Till i found a good invironment/home for my son and i to i moved in with my dad in a different town same state. My ex never made the inititive to see our son. I finally decided i wanted to join the military. My recruiter told me as a single parent i cannot have custody of my child while in bootcamp. So my ex an i agreed he would keep him till i got out. Since he was living with his mother and it was supervised i was ok with this. A week later he went and filed for neglect. since tgen i have been fighting with my ex for my son. He keeps saying i am going to be served. This has beensince august 20013. Now my ex is married and joined the military so his wife can see my son. Now she only lets me see him the first saturday of every month and has my son call her mom. She claims my ex said he wants it like that and she isnt going to disrespect him. I have always been in my sons life looked out for his best intrests and kept him safe. My ex and his wife said if i didnt waive my rights over my exs mom was going to sue me for money him and i owe her. I believe there trying to get rid of me and delete me out of my sons lufe. I love my son. If anyone has opinions please post them. I need help. This is way to painful. :? i chose to not join tge military because of his wrong way of handling things i do have a stable hone for him i have a two bedroom apartment. My ex and his wife live with her parebts and he joined the military and she is pregnant and has my son.
- melliemm01's blog
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I can't imagine what you are
I can't imagine what you are going through. I don't want to sound harsh and I realize that you felt joining the military would be your only choice to support your child but you have to realize the minute you signed him away that you made that choice. Trusting your exes family is a huge mistake.
That being said, you can still fight and you may have a change of regaining custody but since he is married and has a "stable home environment" an you do not it is probably not likely that you will get custody back. Being active duty you can be called at anytime to serve. He will use this against you. I know that I would in his shoes. He has a wife to keep a stable home environment- I don't want to rush you in a relationship but what can you provide that is better?
Thats the thing i was going
Thats the thing i was going in for more reasons other than to better my sons future but so he can see the world with me and have a promised secure lifestyle but i didnt sign him away we just verbally agreed he would keep him. We didnt even do paperwork yet to sign papers and im not in the military due to him filing for neglect.
he pretty much stabbed me in the back.
i have a two bedroom apartment the other room is my sons and i am a cna my house is always clean. And it not a problem for day car and my parents live in tge same town. He is in the military now. She is pregnant raising my son alobe and she wobt let me have say so with my son at all.
Hire a lawyer.
Hire a lawyer.
^^^ Your only choice.
^^^ Your only choice.
Custody of children to
Custody of children to parents that were never married automatically goes to the mother. You were never married to ex and this agreement was all verbal. Seems like you could just go and get your son.
Have your parents go with you to the town and if the step mom gives you any problems, say you'll call the cops and claim she kidnapped the kid. She has no papers proving other wise. Your ex claims he's filed papers against you for neglect, but that's been since August of last year and you still haven't been served. I wonder if he's lying.
I seen the court paper for my
I seen the court paper for my self they gave him immediate full custody and it was stamped saline county
He filed that before he was
He filed that before he was married and her name isnt on tge paper but his is and she says there lawyer said since there now married she has equal rights.
She will never have rights to
She will never have rights to your child. If he dies or he deploys your child will come to you.
I understand its not a
I understand its not a settled custody he has custody till i take him to court. I am saving money for lawyer and he always tell me im no longer nolans mom and his wife is also i buy cloths for him all the time and always call and check on him. I recored every phone call and save every text.
I wouldn't even worry about a
I wouldn't even worry about a saving for a lawyer at this point. Take it to court. Get visitation set. Make him prove neglect. Get the lawyer when you go for full custody but for now get visitation set asap.
And in my blog it says he
And in my blog it says he never help or came to see mysn and i amd doing what he didnt and he was abusive and is slandering my name on facebook and to friends and talkibg down to me like a dog.
A police officer friend of
A police officer friend of mine told me when they marry she has as much right as my ex. But my exs name is the only name on the court rights paper.
No she doesn't. She has no
No she doesn't. She has no rights at all. When you guys go to court she won't even be allowed to speak. Trust me, I am a SM that was dealing with true abandonment and BM had drug issues. I wasn't allowed to say anything except to talk about insurance because my company is covering SS.
Most police officers know
Most police officers know jack and shit about civil law. Do not seek out their advice on these types of matter.
Oh really! That is good to
Oh really! That is good to know. They have been pulling the whool over my eyes. So how do i get proof to show the police officer that i can get my son back. They said they wobt get involved unless i have proof. And she live in a differentis town than where the case is and as i do too.
What does the current custody
What does the current custody order say exactly? There are custody guru's on here that know the wording and how to make it work.
You don't have to show the
You don't have to show the police officer anything, as typically the only way police will get involved in custody issues is if there's been a kidnapping or if a child is in danger.
You need to go to the courthouse & tell the clerk you want to file for visitation.
If nothing has ever been
If nothing has ever been filed in any court, you don't have a case of any kind. Go pick up your son. You have his papers? Birth certificate, SSN, etc. His father is not there to do anything, and a strange women who has no authority is babysitting. If she calls the police, you can say that he was kidnapped by his father, dumped with this women and you found him and am taking him back.
Other then that, call the police and explain that the father forced you to hand the child over. And then go get him.
Married or not, she has zero
Married or not, she has zero legal rights to YOUR child. You are his mother. With your legal rights come legal obligations. If your ex has your child, as a previous poster mentioned, you need to start providing some sort of support. Even if all you can do is a little bit, it will show the judge that you are making an effort to do for your son.
If you send a small check once a month, be sure to note in the memo line that it's for support for your child. If you purchase necessities (clothing, etc) for your child, keep the receipts.
A judge will look favorably on any parent who can look beyond the hurt & anger toward the other parent & step up to do for their child without having to be ordered by law to do so.
With or without a lawyer, file paperwork at the courthouse for visitation rights. Do not put this off any longer. The longer you put this off, the harder it will be to convince a judge to press on in your favor.
Don't be fooled by what your ex & his gf have to say. They will say anything they believe will hurt you. They want to make you feel as weak & vulnerable as they can so that they can "win".
This isn't about battling for a win between parents. This is about doing everything in your power to ensure your son develops a strong & stable relationship with his mother. Every child deserves a healthy relationship with both of their parents.
Keep detailed records. Keep a calendar of when you see your son. Keep notes regarding phone calls. Keep notes of when & why they deny your requests to see your son.
When your ex filed against you for neglect, did you get notice to appear in court? Did you go?
Do the custody papers grant you visitation? How is custody stated in your court order?
Stop finding reasons to not
Stop finding reasons to not act immediately and get out there and ACT! Get immediate emergency custody - bio dad not caring for his son and you are just as much the baby's parent. DON"T tell your ex's family what you are doing.
After you have custody, go to your Saturday "visitation" with your family members (your dad, etc;) and take your son home with you.
Call your son's stepmom after the fact and have someone deliver copies of paperwork to their local policestation so they don't accept any "kidnapping" calls from your ex or his wife.
Action done!
And it was stamped saline
And it was stamped saline county circuit clerk august 21 2013
So you were never served with
So you were never served with any papers?
Never but they keep tretening
Never but they keep tretening me with it nd she lies and sys she is picking him up from work but he is in boot camp he left january 7th and there are picture proving him being sworn in and him in the chow hall c or cafiteria
You keep saying it was
You keep saying it was stamped at a county clerks office- call and get a copy.
And im not making reason why
And im not making reason why i cant act immediatley i am not gonna do something and it be against the rules and get arreated or served for harrasment thats why im on here for answers so i can act.
I'll respond, but first, stop
I'll respond, but first, stop doing anything else until you go back up and take out the names you wrote in the above comment! Hurry...hurry
Stepx2 i deleted it but i
Stepx2 i deleted it but i know that he refuses to show me the paper i got the picture off his facebook when it was posted. I was not served the was not a court date set up anything just that he was granted imediate custody.
What is the picture of?
What is the picture of?
No, I don't think you can
No, I don't think you can just go pick up the child. If you signed and had notarized the papers you self wrote with the ex's sister (giving the child to her even if meant only temporary) ex likely used these papers in filing where he was presenting temporary full legal custody. Whether you meant to or not, you gave your child over to the sister and ex used this action to approach the courts as the legal father. Whatever your ex and you 'agreed' to verbally is a mute issue as there is no proof. The police friend is correct in that he/the department will not just let you go take the child...your ex has full legal custody and waved to the court that you willingly signed your child over to somebody's care.
You do need a lawyer to try and turn this around. You need to obtain copies of ex's filing and the end result of him being granted custody. I imagine currently this is a temporary order, but until and/or if you pursue fighting for your son back, ex ha full custody. Does the CO state anything about visitation to the birth mother? If it purely states 'reasonable' then a one day a month the SM is giving you can be construed into 'reasonable'. Ex also have every right to come after you for child support.
The neglect thing gives me the impression ex is using your actions against you to make the temporary order into a permanent 'full custody of physical and legal' on his part. Being he has full custody (which means physical and decision making powers) he may have even been able to put the child into a temporary guardianship position with the SM while he is away with military. You really need a lawyer. You need to file and begin a case to obtain the child back and in the meantime file for visitation rights (with more definition than 'reasonable') and start paying child support. The child calling SM 'Mom' right now should be the least of your worries.
Not to whack you while you're down (as I do sympathize with what's going on with your son), but you sound very young and naïve and whether intentional or not, you got yourself and your son into what's happened. Straightening it out and going for custody back (or even partial custody) may be a long and costly court battle. You need to arm yourself with a lawyer ( a good one) and you need to be informed exactly what and how this all happened, what ex is pursuing in court currently and how you can counter it. Do not take at face value what ex/SM says their lawyer says. Do not sign and/or verbally agree to anything else and from here on out let the communications go between the two different lawyers. If your father is housing you, he may help you with retainer fees. You helped set this up, you need legal professional guidance from a lawyer who knows the ends and outs and laws of your state with experience under his/her belt to help you.
Now you can go and try to get
Now you can go and try to get immediate custody.
Get your facts in order so you can list them on the court papers.
Write down the timeline of everything and put it in the paperwork.
You were deceived big time. If you can afford to see a lawyer, go. If not, check if there are any free legal advice places where you are.
I truly believe that you can get your son back soon if everything you state is accurate.
I live on my own and yes i
I live on my own and yes i guess im pretty niiev i just guess i didnt think the world could be so cruel. I never kept my son from him he never tried. I am currently looming for a lawyer and called a few foevery week or every day im saving money and trying so hard.
Contact Legal Aid & see if
Contact Legal Aid & see if you qualify for free legal support. Also, many lawyers will do a free consultation. Some do it by phone. Others do it in person. Consult with as many as you can. Often times they can offer some helpful advice on how to move forward.
First, GO TO THE COURTHOUSE, & requests copies of EVERYthing from your case.
I was under the impression that, even in emergency cases, both parties were informed of hearings/proceedings. There are several members familiar with family law. Is that not the case???
I know when DH filed for his emergency hearing, BM was notified as well. She opted not to show, but she was given the opportunity.
I agree. Thank you soooo much
I agree. Thank you soooo much for the advice. I am 24 and this being my first . I would give up everything to have him.
I was never informed of any
I was never informed of any date. He didnt tell me he got this until they gave him immidiate custody.
He posted the picture of the
He posted the picture of the one paper of him being granted immediate custody.
They claim they have a lawyer
They claim they have a lawyer but the lawyer that was giving me a free consultant and extra advice said that sounds like they downt have a lawyer. Cause they called and said my lawyer said i have 2 options either i go to court lose or i can waive my rights and if i dont waive my rights than my exs mom was going to sue mefor mobey. I have alllll of this recorded on my phone.
What "they" say means
What "they" say means nothing. They can say & say & say. Until they prove it, what they say means absolutely nothing.
The pic he posted on FB, is it a photo of the order? Does it mention anything about visitation?
If it is what he says it is, I don't understand why he would post it on FB but refuse to show you the paperwork he has.
Do not waive your rights. You getting rights to your child is what matters here. Not anyone's mom suing you for money.
If you owe her money, that's an entirely separate issue. That's something she will have to take the time to initiate in court for a completely separate case.
They're trying to scare you. They're trying to bully you into handing over rights to your child. Mother's DO NOT do that.
Clearly they are not trying to work with you to co-parent. They're trying to break you down. Do not entertain them. Do not discuss court proceedings with them. Do not make anymore deals or agreements with them. They've used your agreements against you. Do not give them more.
TODAY - go to the courthouse & get copies of everything from your case. You have to know what's happened before you can figure out how to move forward.
I will! It onlu shows the top
I will! It onlu shows the top part of the paper stamped the it grantig him immidit order and doesnt show anything elseit has a case # on it
Ahhh... So, there's a chance
So, there's a chance there's something in the body of the paperwork he doesn't want you to know is there. Perhaps you are granted more than he's allowing you to have.
I can tell you, not to make you feel bad for not having done it already, but only because it's important & can make a difference in your case, the longer you wait to fight this, the less inclined a judge will be to make changes.
Often times trying to wait things out ends up hurting a case because the more time a child is allowed to settle in to a way of life, the less a judge will want to upset what's familiar to them. You don't want your child to get used to not having you around & not having a relationship with you.
I hope this works out for you!
Thank you and everyone else
Thank you and everyone else soo much for all the advice i feel much more confident. Makes me wanna cry but im strong for my baby. Thank you.
I agree with stormabruin-
I agree with stormabruin- There is a very good chance he doesn't want you to read that paper. He may only have joint custody and there really is nothing stopping you from going to get him. Please get off the computer and go over to the court house and get a copy.
Yes maam! Will do!
Yes maam! Will do!
Yes I would just go and get
Yes I would just go and get him. You still have parental rights. Your ex, the childs father, is out of town, possibly state. My dh left my ss with me when he was deployed. In his military papers he did give me power of attorney and such, but our attorney also told us that the bm could come pick up her son anytime she liked and keep him if she so desired as she was a biological parent with parental rights and essentially had "dibs" over me. I would think the same thing would apply in this situation as well.
I would pick him up asap then I'd consult an attorney.
First off all stay off my
First off all stay off my page. He was abusive if you would READ and it was NOT that i signed him away i got him back after i got a good home for my son and i. After i moved to the same town of my parents my ex an i agreed to let him keep him till AFTER i got out of boot camp. he wendt BEHIND MY BACK and filed for neglect.there was NOT any neglect. So if you would actually READ!!! YOU WOULDNT BE SAYING THAT. I personally dobt want child support from my ex i want the respinsibilities and priceless momebts with my son NOT getting MONEY or getting something out of it. All i want out of all this is to let my son have me and his daddy (my ex) in his life. So if your trying to insult me stay off my blog or i will repirt you.
And no i never joined because
And no i never joined because after he went and got immidiate custody i decided NOT to join. I just need advice because all the wrongful things he is saying to me and doing before he went to boot camp and his wife thinking she is mom. They have only been together for two months and got married with in two months because she got pregnant. Now she want me to waive my right. NOT happening!!