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She says jump, he asks how high?

meneran's picture

Ok, I'm a bit confused on how to proceed with this.

She doesn't call, she texts. Not often. Usually its about setting the schedule of dropoff, and to try and find the way to dump the kid on us during his holidays.

Every time she texts, its 'please call' only. He immediately calls as soon as he sees the message.

Its starting to bother me that whenever she decides she wants to talk to him, he needs to drop everything and call her to see what she wants. What the hell is with that?

Oh, today was no exception.

Why is she trying to dump the kid every time he has no school? Is it too much for her to spend her time with him??


tryingtomakeit's picture

I have the same problem. My sd is 13 years old and I am pretty sure she know how to text and talk on the phone. Instead the ex wife always calls and texts my husband. It irritates me so bad. I tell him all the time that they may be divorced on paper, but they still talk more than a dating couple.

meneran's picture

These two dont talk much, and its not constant texting. But whenever she decides, he calls immediately. It pisses me off. She can wait an hour, or two, or half a freaking day.

If it was emergency, he would know.

meneran's picture

Ah, she doesnt demand things, she just wants kid away to our place so she doesnt have to be bothered, but she will enjoy cs moneys, then ask for pay in advance since she has no money to pay the rent.

Although I have to admit he can tell her no.
The point is, he lies to her that he has no time off or things like that. He cant tell her the truth.

hbell0428's picture

My DH does the same thing when it comes to SD13... She wont talk to him all week; not even a little; then comes Sunday night (or Wed) at like 9:30 - when I am running around trying to get things done so I can sit with him; she wants to talk "girl talk" and tell him all about her day and plans etc........ And he will just chat away; I just go to bed?!?!?!? So annoying

butterflys's picture

I have to say I am a X wife and when i need to talk to my X regarding the kids I will call him. believe me I don't want to but somethings my 13 year old will just not tell his father so i am left with that job. Not sticking up for these X's but its hard being divorced and still trying to bring these kids up together but apart. Frankley it sucks.

TheBrightSide's picture

""Why is she trying to dump the kid every time he has no school? Is it too much for her to spend her time with him??""

If I had to define my life in two simple would be the above.