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Ss12 lying.

Midwest Stepmom's picture

Ss12 got a life lesson last night.

Again, my dh wasn't able to reach him by phone last week. Bm doggie shamed him, see last blog. It's been going on for over a year. Dh sat ss down last night and asked what his excuse was for not talking on the phone.

His response: he is afraid that daddy might tell lies about mommy, because mommy said daddy tells lies. My dh asked him for examples. Ss said: mom said that you said that she went out partying when she was young. LOL, is this the best she has? Dh said "so what", do you know how I know this to be true, because I was with her partying as well. It's what young people do, doesn't make it a bad thing.

Ss12 said he would answer the phone next time. I explained to him that there will be consequences for lying. Saying you will do something and then don't is lying. I told him I would take away his DS system.

This kid is driving me nuts. He is old enough to understand that people will lie and you need to investigate for your self. I think he will be the kid that will to be influenced to do things when he gets older because he can't say no. I hope he will one day learn Bm is bat shit cra cra. I learned my own mother was like this when I was 10, it's a sucky thing to know, but at least you learn how to survive a bipolar parent.


Midwest Stepmom's picture

Dh can't understand why I'm pissy with ss12 today. Well hunny, maybe it's because I had to watch you cry last night when ss12 was acting like a shit.