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My marriage is falling apart. Not sure what to do

Mike2036's picture

Alright I don't know how long this will be but here it goes. So I've been married only about a year. She has two kids. Which are now my SD3 & SD2 that I see as my very own. I love my wife so much but whats pushing me away from her (and I've been realizing this more and more) is the fact that she's been nothing but a mom, nothing else. What I mean by that is, she is way too child-oriented and has no hobbies that I can even think of (I mean her soc. media is nothing but her telling everyone how much she loves the kids and loves being a mother). I know that all of this comes from her family being the same way (theyre the only people I know that can turn a conversation about the coronavrirus into an anti-abortion, pro-life rant). I knew I was marrying a single mother, and I knew her kids meant the world to her. But I thought I would somehow ALSO mean the world to her while her kids also meant the world to her lol.. yea it's not too realistic. I come from a family where there is a balance to marriage and parenting, as I've observed from my parents. I'm starting to realize that even though me and my wife have some important things in common, there is a huge difference in the way we grew up, causing us to have different values, and we butt heads about them. At night, we've been able to put the kids to bed in their own rooms lately. Just about EVERY single night, our younger daughter (SD2) half-wakes up about twice a night to cry. Either an hour after we put her to bed, or at a random time like 3am. Sometimes for her bottle but most times she doesn't want her bottle and just wants attention. My wife always gets up because of it, causing herself to be stressed and me to be upset because she doesn't have to even get up 90% of the time (there were a couple times I convinced her not to get up and SD2 stop crying minutes after). The restless nights have also put a burden on our marriage and even that links to her wanting to be an instant-responding aid to her unnecessarily crying child. I mentioned to her recently that I thought I was marrying a wife and didn't think I would be marrying nothing but a mother (especially to kids I wasn't the cause of). She didn't show that part of her when we were engaged and I actually felt like her "Undisputed #1" back then. Now I'm simply not. I signed up for this knowing what I was in for (an instant family) but I thought she would want to balance the two components of family (parenthood& marriage), but in a way, she refuses to and I don't know if we can go on happy that way.


Kona_California's picture

I know what you're talking about. My BF was similar, but I don't think as extreme, and it was mostly because of guilt. He would do the same with the bed time thing. It isn't as common to see men talk about their marriage with a woman on here but from what I've seen it seems harder to have them change or understand your point of view. 

An honest conversation needs to happen with her about your needs. Be vulnerable with your feelings here because this is how she will isten. I would come up with specific examples of what you need, rather than being general in needing more "balance." Say you need the sleeping issue resolved, you need a once a week/twice a week date night, you need to be able to parent equitably with her since you are embracing her children 100% and she needs to back you up, etc. 

It took some work with my BF about the sleeping thing. The first thing is to make sure there is a very consistent schedule. Since your skids are close in age they can just have all the rules applied to both of them. 7:30 is time to get ready for bed; bath, teeth brushing, and read two books. 8:00 is lights out. Some nice preperations can be made to make them as comfy as possible. Provide them a night light and some music. After a minute of hugs and kisses good night, you and mom needs to walk right out and ignore the protests 100%. Once it's time to walk out is when you put on the music. 

I'm wondering if mom lays with them until they fall asleep? If so, this is what's confusing them when they wake up at night and realize they're alone. I really hate how some parents do that because it tricks them. If they go to sleep alone, they aren't surprised when they wake up alone and they soothe themselves. If they do go to sleep alone and still wake up screaming and crying, then they need to be ignored. They've learned how to get mom's attention and she reinforces it. Look up some credible articles and show them to your wife about how to mitigate this sleep disruption. Good luck!!

luwh033's picture

Totally get where you are coming from. I initially got with my boyfriend two years ago thinking I could 200% handle everything that came with it, knowing what I signed up for. He has a daughter who is 10. I thought I would be just as loved treated just as good and given just as much attention or close to. He always told me he knew how to balance everything and I didn't have to worry. That was a lie. He is terrible at balancing things. It's always about him and his daughter, always. My opinions and advice are not taken seriously majority of the time. She cries she gets her way everytime. He still puts her to bed every night and if he says no she has a tantrum to which he most of the time gives in. I've tried talking to him about it but he usually takes offense and says not to tell him anything about his daughter. Yet he expects me to cook for them and clean up after them and take care of her. I treat her as my own so I don't understand why I wouldn't be able to talk to him about ways I think would help our family dynamic as a whole. I kind of gave up. Sometimes I'll try to talk as sensitive and as nice as possible but it doesn't work most of the time so I'm kind of in a place of I'll just do my own thing. I'm also pregnant so I'm focusing on me and my child from now on. Id say try your best to talk to her about it and be as sensitive as you can about their situation but really focus on you and what makes you happy.

TheBrightSide's picture

If I had two small children, even in an intact marriage, a shit load of my time would have to be spent on them.  They're small and needy at that age.  Suggest carving out some "couple" time without those needy little buggers.  Like a joint bath after they go to bed.  Or getting up a bit early for a "breakfast for two".  

She's also probably super exhausted from taking care of them and what little energy she has left....maybe zero left over energy for anything else including hobbies, friends, husbands.....

sunshinex's picture

Great response. 

We can't skip over the fact that 2-3 year olds can be downright EXHAUSTING and quite honestly, it's so different when they're your own. I complained here, actually, about my SD waking and my husband "giving in" and going to check on her when she was around 3 years old. I complained a lot about it. Now I have a co-sleeping 2.5 year old who wakes frequently and I would never DREAM of ignoring his cries. I never want him to wake up and feel scared. 

Anyways... Give her a BIT of a break but find ways to get time together. I like brightside's suggestions here. They're realistic to what raising 2 toddlers is actually like.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

I'm really worried about you and your DW having no values in common.  You've got really different beliefs and upbrings.  Be careful because true love doesn't conquer all.  Eventually, you are going to have to become real friends for a lasting relationship and you need to start working on this now.

justmakingthebest's picture

Couple of things:

  1. When you have toddlers, your life is very kid-centric. It just is. They are demanding little creatures.
  2. 2 yrs old is too old for a bottle. She needs to let SD2 self sooth and fall back asleep. She really needs to read on sleep training.
  3. If she is so close to her family, why aren't they babysitting? You guys should be having date nights at least bi-weekly. (Obviously not right now due to the pandemic, but before this started and after- it NEEDS to happen)
  4. Where is the father in all of this?? Why isn't he taking the kids every other weekend at a minimum?
  5. Have you offered to babysit while she does something for herself? Class at the gym, book club, bunco night? She may not feel like she has the right or ability to do something she enjoys.

beebeel's picture

My advice: take charge of your own birth control or you will have a never-ending cycle of toddlers taking up your wife's time and energy. Is she already pregnant?