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Brutal night

Miss Know It All's picture

I thought I was safe, but FDH had a complete meltdown on the phone with me last night after he called to tell me how nice my daily email was.

Long story short, he used a breakup line on me. On the phone. I was completely thrown, but also proud of myself for -- once in my life -- keeping my mouth shut. I seriously stayed silent for a whole seven minutes after he delivered the line, which is a LONG time if you're on the phone with someone. And I think it was the right thing to do because in that timeframe, FDH had time to think about what he'd just said and ask himself if that's what he really wanted.

Meanwhile, I kept repeating in my head: Focus on what *I* want. Take care of what *I* want for *me*. If he wants to break up with me for his own sake, that's how it's going to be. But if he's breaking up with me for *my* sake, he's making a huge mistake and not factoring in what *I* want for *me*.

It was almost telepathy. He ran out of half-backpedaling statements and then very quietly asked what I wanted. I told him in no uncertain terms that I want to be with him. I am happy when I am with him, happy when I talk to him. It's irrational to walk away from something that makes me so happy. I told him understand that it's hard, that he's frustrated, that he's resentful about couples counseling because he thinks a "normal" couple shouldn't be in counseling (as if we were EVER normal to start with...). But in the end, I said, it's not for him to decide what's best for ME. That's MY job.

In a very quiet voice, he asked me to come over. I went. FSD3 was out cold by the time I arrived around 1am. It was a very emotional night, but I woke up next to him and sat and had coffee with him after he'd run FSD3 to daycare. Then, finally, it was like the sun came out from behind a cloud. He took my hand and asked me to come over tonight -- our regularly scheduled FSD3 night that he'd been cancelling for so long.

I know it's hard for him to be with me and FSD3 at the same time. Part of it's anxiety around how us girls get along. Part of it's my scrutiny of his parenting. Part of it is also that he still honestly believes that what's best for FSD3 is AUTOMATICALLY unfair to him and everyone else.

I really, really think that last point will be the thing that destroys us, if anything. But, it'll destroy more than just us -- it'll ruin FSD3, FDH, and anyone who wants to be close to either. THAT'S the real reason we're in couples counseling: To change that thinking RIGHT NOW before it gets out of control.


doll faced sm's picture

Good job sticking to your guns and a cautiously optimistic congrats on your FDH's breakthrough.

beyond pissed-off's picture

What was the breakup line that he used? Did I miss it? And I agree with your assessment that a belief that anything good for the kids is automatically bad for the parents. That type of martyr thinking is not good for anyone - including and most especially the kids. It results in spoiled entitled children who will have no idea how to function in the real world. I am dealing with 3 teenage perfect examples of that right now. God help their future college roommates, co-workers and spouses!

I have pointed out this very thing to my FH many times. That his abdication of actual parenting will kill any and all relationships with women he attempts in the future if we do not make it- and he will have lost me, the woman I know he truly loves.

Auteur's picture

Unless FDH can get on the traditional parenting train and NOT be afraid of what the BM will do or of "losing" his child b/c he's no longer bestest friends with Princess, then there is NO chance of him EVER having a REAL adult relationship with ANYONE

Whether that be you or any other sane, mature adult that comes into his life.

He will also be giving his child a lifetime of spoiled entitlement, never being happy, always in trouble, always begging adult.

Most of these men are simply looking for an "entitlement session facilitator" and, of course, a "bed buddy."

Miss Know It All's picture

The line was, "You deserve a better man. It makes me feel so, so bad to drag you down with me."

Such bullshit. If he wants to break up with me because HE'S decided I'm not right for HIM, that's one thing. But deciding FOR ME that he's not right for me is just plain silly. Hmph.