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The wedding is off

missangie1978's picture

for now. We were eloping to Hawaii in August and SS was going to stay with BM in Vegas, now it seems that she won't confirm if she's going to take him.

Fiancees family doesn't live near us so we can't have them watch him and my family lives in another country. Fiancee doesn't want to ask friends because he doesn't feel comfortable with it and I don't want to take SS with us to our wedding/honeymoon.

I am so SICK and TIRED of BM always having her way and ruining everything. I'm just ready to pack all my stuff and leave. I'm just not sure I'm cut out for all of this, I'm tired of SS and annoyed with the fact that he's got so many issues because BM never cared to discipline him. He's whinny, rude and just plain annoying and I tired of his BM and Fiancee never doing anything about it.

I can't believe I have to put my wedding on hold because BM and SS. I'm so pissed and can't stop crying


newstep07's picture

I have the exact same fear this will happen to me... our wedding is suppose to be this summer smack in the middle of BM's summer visitation with the kids.
One of two things could happen.. one - she doesnt take them at all so I have no honeymoon ( I am scared to even plan one at this point..sure I will have to cancel it ) she didnt take her kids at all last summer.
Two- she takes them and then doesnt let us have them the weekend of the wedding just to be a B((((( even though we are suppose to have them two weekends during her summer time ( court ordered )

If I were you I would tell fiance that he needs to find a place for SS to go or you are done... if he doesnt care that much for you and your WEDDING DAY I think you might have a no win situation ahead of you.


Cruella's picture

I just want to say please take this as a sign. If she is going to have her way on something as important as your Wedding day then that is really something to think about. I had no clue what I was getting into and as much as I love my husband my life with dealing with skids and BM have been HELL! There is always drama all the time. Even though most of the time it is not DH's fault it still affects me financially and emotionally.

happy's picture

If its this way this time what about the next time. He does not trust a friend to keep him while you guys go get married? Ok who watches him when you two want to go out for awhile? If he can trust someone to do that then he can trust them to watch him while you all go get married.
BM- if you have filled us in you'll have to again for me? Why doesn't she have custody of her son?
If he is letting this come between you two now what is going to happen in the future.
Kids can ruin a relationship if the two people in the relationship let it. Hang in there girlie..
Maybe this is your sign telling you that it may not work. I know I had my own my first marriage but denied it.. But then again I have two wonderful children out of that marriage and an ex who is an ass-O..
Hang in there deary..


" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..

missangie1978's picture

BM doesn't have custody because once again she got into a domestic violence situation and she was on probation for a previous DV (she's had 10 in the last 5 years) so she left the state. She gave over residential custody to my fiancee before she left. She's got 3 other kids with different fathers so it wasn't hard to get over to sign over SS.

That was about 5 months ago. She was planning on moving back up but she found out she missed a court date for her DV and now has 2 warrants out and because she was on probabtion she might lose her section 8 housing so now she's going on and on about how she won't be able to take SS for the summer at all (even the 1 week we'd be in Hawaii)

Fiancee isn't use to having SS full-tim yet so he's a bit on the over protective side and he's not comfortable leaving SS with friends for a week at at time.

I'm just so tired of having to live my life around BM or SS's schedule. It's getting old fast.