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Poetic Justice

misscinna's picture

Weds and Today FDH has had to/will get up and get skids up and off to school as I work and he is off. Weds was fantastic. I heard all of the yelling "Hurry up! Lets GOOO" from fdh as he tried to hustle the 2 under motivated ladies out the door. The screams of "YOU'RE GOING TO MISS BREAKFAST HURRY UP!" were music to my ears while I hid in bed. FINALLY he gets to see what its really all about getting everyone up and ready. Not getting to be home and being fantastic super nice daddy who is never upset or stressed. BWAHAHA ohhh yes fdh. You see now the requests for hair-dos 5 mins after everyone is supposed to be at school! The never ending disasters. "My backpack broke!" Yes indeed. SD5s backpack tore in half as she was walking out the door. To a mom this is commonplace. To an FDH who has enjoyed the good life of being in bed while his kids were miraculously escorted from the home prior to his waking this was obviously a stressful event. I bought a backpack and didn't say SQUAT about it. I just enjoyed the ride. Enjoy the pissed in pull ups by the toddler! He will be sure to leave them on the floor for your finding to soak into the carpet. He is keeping the toddler today while I go to work. Have fun super dad!

Don't get me wrong, I want him to enjoy his kids and be a great father - I just would like him to have a reality check for what its like for the other parent (in this case me) to deal with all the stress and never ending questions/requests/demands alone. He's a little bit out of touch with that.

So yes. Enjoy fdh. Enjoy!
