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Deep thought

MJL2010's picture

Know what's really annoying about skids? The relationship is never a "constant". There are nice times, touching moments even, but suddenly even an hour later, you're back to being the one they're awkward around. It changes all the time. Perhaps because of BM and her alienation and lies...perhaps other unknowns....perhaps just because they're not your blood....but I find it really hard to deal with on skid weekends. Anyone else? Once they start acting weird, every little thing they do annoys me and I need separation. Yay for DD and DS coming back in an hour or so!! And yay for DS3mo.- my sweet guy. My bios are my happy place, even tho I am grateful for a little break here and there.;)


LRP75's picture

"Once they start acting weird, every little thing they do annoys me and I need separation."


Freshstart's picture

This is so true and just what I was thinking this morning. We have week on/week off with SD16 and it is like a roller coaster. I completely understand and agree. During the week I will engage her and include her in the family doing something happy and everyone is great then the very next afternoon the hate filled strange version of SD returns. It never fails to take my breath away the pure hate that is in her eyes at times. It is not her fault and has to be to do with the BM mainly. I work hard on forgiving her but it does not make it easier.

Do you ever feel that it is all crazy? Why are we all forced to do this?