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Gotta love it!

MJL2010's picture

Gotta love it when BMs make stuff up that totally brainwashes/confuses the kids. Trashionista had skids convinced that tonight's concert at their school had an audience cap on it where each child could bring only two people. We first heard that about two weeks ago. FF to earlier this week, when she left DH a vm saying that the boys had requested that she and DH be the only ones to attend the concert, and that they wanted her and DH to sit together. This didn't sound like something twins would have said (they frequently say that they wish we could do things all together, like my older kids' dad and DH do).

My kids and I are not going.....out of respect and to keep the situation simple....but just for kicks DH called the school to see if in fact there is a limit on audience and OF COURSE there isn't. Trashionista has been laying the groundwork for this night for weeks! I admire her planning and preparation but I could do without the LYING TO HER KIDS PART!! Damn is she a mess!


StickAFork's picture

OMG. It's a damn shame.
How desperate must she be?

Way back when XH was still around, his "ladyfriend" (aka "White trash swamp rat") was in town and they attended an event at my daughter's school. I didn't give a rat's ass. Why would I?
I DID, however, take issue with the fact that he hunted me down and started cussing me out throwing F bombs in front of the other families. Sad Those two deserve each other!