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How long do I wait?

Mocha2001's picture

Almost 3-weeks ago (on Sunday) I sent BB a 5-page letter. Basically it was asking her why she does the things she does, why she says the thing she does, etc. She thinks DH is a horrible father, he's not, and I asked her why she thought this. It was a bunch of questions. It was not disparaging to her in any way, and may even have been considered as "pleading" with her to understand why she isn't letting DH be the father he wants to be to SS.

This past Tuesday (22nd) she said she was going to respond to my letter. I know she's going to take her sweet time to repsond to my letter, as she's already had plenty of time.

My plan is to follow up with a phone call. Yes, I'm being pushy, but my SS is worth it. We have had one good conversation in the past, and it was productive.

So, my question to everyone is ... how long should I wait before making the phone call? I'm thinking two weeks from the time she said she'd be responding to my email ... anyone have any input or thoughts on this?

Please keep comments constructive. I haven't seen anything nasty on this site, but I'm sure some of you won't agree with my tactics ... I only want constructive criticism.

Thanks ...


OldTimer's picture

I have a motto... actually I have several, but ONE of them is... "never ask me a question you do not want to hear the answer too... because I will answer you". I use this reference because your letter may be seen as one of those such things. From your point of view, you see things much differently than BM and on a one sided view, however I can guarantee you that from BM's angle, she feels quite different, therefore that's why she says, does, behaves the way she may... she won't otherwise if she didn't believe it. After all, you have to remember that there IS a reason why the BM and BF are no longer together.

To me, this is like opening up a jar of worms. The cat and mouse game... or cat-on-cat game. You're calling her out whether you intend it or not, you're questioning her. I'm looking at this and putting myself in her position... if I received a letter that questioned my ability, my judgment from the next woman in my ex's life, personally, I won't answer her either. To be perfectly honest, I don't have to make my reasons for my actions known, it's not her business... so I'm just assuming that in this case, I won't be surprised if BM feels somewhat the same way.

I'm not being mean, but real. To me, even if BM is truthful to you, she may say somethings that you might get upset about and disagree without considering that what if she's right? Then, what if she exaggerates, and you do the opposite, believe her and than you got a whole whopping hornets nest open with your DH...

To me, it won't matter if you wrote the letter and asked the questions , because you can't control how she is going to behave, only she can. You can only focus on you and your family. What goes on in her head, is all in her head. We all have questions. We will ALWAYS ask the question 'WHY'? And we may never understand why or get all the answers, we just won't. It is simply what it is.

Personally, I wouldn't push the issue...

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Mocha2001's picture

Unless you've actually read the letter, I don't think you can say anything about how it presented itself to her. You have no idea what I said, how I said it, or how it was formed to be just what she wanted to hear.

This is what I meant about not posting ... your post wasn't mean, but it still didn't answer the question.

And I will get the answers, but I'll be the first to admit ... they may not be what I want them to be.

~ Katrina

Mocha2001's picture

Never mind ... I knew I shouldn't have posted this question ... I tried to find a way to delete it ... oh well!!

~ Katrina

OldTimer's picture

Okay, let me phrase it this way...


I'm curious because I am trying to demonstrate something here. The above sentence was written in all caps (obviously, right? you can read) that many of us online users use to indicate something, emphasize something, or simply show frustration, anger, etc, right? So, based on that, do you think that I really yelled the sentence at you?

And based on the above paragraph, to many it could be read in several different ways, one part of it would sound and appear that I was being snobbish, or cynical, or even patronizing... but in reality, I was typing it very causal. What we happen to write, think and say are sometimes read by others very differently. Now, if I put a few choice words in there, changed it, it could be viewed and even possibly read differently. But the only person who truly knows how they meant it to read is the person who wrote it. Case in point, me the writer at this very moment, I am NOT trying to be degrading or anything other than just simply trying to make a point.

Now, if I were to drop a few LOL's in the above stuff, smilies, etc, than you would understand, oh she's poking fun, or making jest, light of the situation, etc. It's not reference to me DIRECTLY, etc.

I can't see how I didn't answer your post, seems pretty clear to me, but just another example of how we read something different in another's writing. I thought it read fine, but to you, it didn't help you. For that, I guess I needed to make it more clear. So, I wouldn't call her at all, or bother with the rest of it. That was my answer when I said I wouldn't push the issue. I hope that helped.

You sounded offended to my post. And that is just another reference to how I read something you wrote. For all I know, I could be way off base, right? Maybe you weren't offended, but yet, that's what I read reading your response to me.... see where I'm going? Well, I certainly am not trying to bash you, be mean, or sarcastic, or patronizing, just trying to give another perspective with some points. I have no idea if it worked, but I'm hoping. Wink

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Catch22's picture

Hey Mocha, I see where you are coming from and it must have taken a lot of mustering to actually put pen to paper and send a letter. As you have, I spend many hours wondering why BM does what she does to DH but don't dare to write to her or speak with her, because I know it would simply frustrate me more.

My Dh spent almost every weekend and nights during the week with SS for 8 years after they separated, always paid his child support, went to all father things at school and spoke to SS almost everyday. Actually spent all his visitation with the child, doing child based activities and travelled near an hour each way to do all this 2-4 times a week, still she puts him down and berates him to SS and anyone who will listen. She tells everyone she has friends who are better fathers to SS than DH.

Then there is my BS14 who has a father who lives 20 mins from us, he rarely sees his son, calls him 4 times a year, on a good year and his wife preaches to me regularly, that I shouldn't think badly of him, he really is a good father?? Yes, he is a nice man and I get along well with the both of them, but a good father, no.

My point is that our points of view as a BM and an SM can be very different, as I am both I can say with certainty that this is so. I figure SS's mum has her reasons for thinking this of my DH and although she makes life hard and sometimes a misery to us, it only affects us if we let it. She will probably not respond and if she does it will be mostly things you disagree with or things that are untrue. I would ring her in a few weeks if you are adamant that you want to chase it up and just see what she says, other than that or if you disagree with her, I would agree to disagree and leave it at that.

Good Luck, I hope something I said helped.

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

Mocha2001's picture

Everything everyone has said here ... we have gone through with her. Let me give you an idea of what was said in my letter ... "you say DH is a horrible father, and when SS comes home from our house he is arrogant and thinks he is the best at everything. You told DH that this is his fault. Instead of accusing us of doing something wrong, perhaps you can give us some examples of what you are experiencing your home. Do you know that we experience the same behaviors when we get him from your house? (Paragraph) So, instead of accusing us of instilling this behavior in SS, why don't you give us some examples, and you and DH can discuss how to best handle them. My guess is that the same things are going on in both households. As with the kicking the pets and hitting, both household approached his behavior in the same way, after you and DH discussed the situation, and it was successful." Also, in another situation I said, "You and DH had a long conversation a couple of weeks ago and you accused him of horrible things, being a horrible father, etc. How do you know he's a horrible father, BM? Have you seen him with SS? Do you see him parent SS? No, You have not seen him parent SS, you do not know how he handles situations, etc. So, how can you say he's a horrible father? He may not have been the father you wanted him to be when you were together, but how do you know he is the same way? You thought he'd fade into the limelight and never see SS ... but he has." I pointed out quite a few things and really just asked for explanations ... I'd be happy to post the entire letter so that everyone can get a perspective on what I said.

Anyway, Catch, thanks for the input. BM and I have had a decent and productive conversation in the past, I that's why I'm hoping that she'll start a dialog with me.

~ Katrina

Nymh's picture

But based on the content of what you've put here, if I were in her shoes and received a letter saying some of those things, I would immediately be put on the defensive. I like how you point out that you've had success in the past when you've worked together, but it's what comes after that that I would personally have a problem with.

We have a hard time knowing how what we write will be received. This is what Step Mom is trying to point out to you in her responses above. I would love to read the whole letter - perhaps this is only a few brash sentences out of a much longer letter which does not have the same feel to it.

I know you didn't post this wanting this type of feedback. I know that all you asked for was the specific length of time that you should wait. But I feel that it is our responsibility to point out to you what you may be in store for when she does respond, or what she may be boiling over in her own mind regarding your letter.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

OldTimer's picture

Exactly! Wink (Glad someone got it! LOL...)

Reading some of the pieces you gave us, yeah, I would be defensive too, and just the fact that it came from the 'other woman' would make me on edge immediately. I would be bracing myself as soon as it was in my hand...

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Anne 8102's picture

To answer your question, I think two weeks after probable or known receipt of any correpsondence is the soonest you should expect a response, if she intends to give you one. Thinking of it in business terms, most business correspondence assumes a response within 30 days or so. So I would think you could expect a response to a personal letter within 2-4 weeks and if you don't get one by 4 weeks, then you probably won't get one.

If you feel the need to follow up, I don't think I would do it with a phone call, because that does sort of put her on the spot and it's sometimes hard to know when is a "good" time to call to discuss something like this. If you have to follow up, maybe send her a short email that says you look forward to her comments and hope that her input will help you all to be able to work things out. If you don't hear from her after that, I think you almost have to let it go.

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Mocha2001's picture

Great idea Anne!! She has SS this weekend, and has had one weekend without SS to respond already. So, I figuered I'd give her one more weekend without SS to respond, which would then be 4-weeks from receipt, and 2-weeks from when she said she'd respond. Of course, I'm pretty busy at that time, and it may be one more week before I can send anything out.

Funny, you mentioned "in the business world" about response times. I'm in the legal field, and response times are one week or less. Amazing how different professions see things differently.

Thanks again!

~ Katrina

Sebbie's picture

NCP should have rights too! And unfortunatly for me it had catastrophic results. Rather than get a response,( from a very kind and concerned letter) My DH recieved a phone call from BM that said that He was to KEEP ME out of THEIR business and that if she recieved any more communications from me then she would go file harrassment charges agiants me. That was the end of me trying to make nice and help in making a workable relationship between the two of them for the children involved. Wait the 2 weeks and call if that is what you chose, but I agree, the response you are seeking may be one you really didnt expect or want. Good Luck.

Cruella's picture

This woman is not going to care about what you think or your feelings. That is the hard thing about our positions as a SM. If she is anything like the BM we have to deal with you will not get a response or you may get one from her Attorney. Don't allow her opinion influence you at all. You care more than she does. She obviously is not being fair DH. All DH can do is to be the best father he can and the hell with her opinion. As long as he is doing right by his children then dont' give a shit what she thinks. You are not going to change her mind. Dont even try it is a waste of your energy.

Nymh's picture

2-4 weeks is plenty of time for her to respond to you, if she's going to. You may send her another letter/email asking if she received your previous letter and what she thought about it after 4 weeks is up. If she doesn't respond to that, I'd just assume that she's not going to.

She may not be responding in fear of the same things that the others on this page have already pointed out. Perhaps she's afraid that her answering your questions truthfully will only cause more problems. If you've had productive conversations in the past, I'm inclined to believe that she's not going to go out of her way to be nasty or hateful in her response. You two have very different outlooks on things just based on your relative positions in your DH's and SK's lives, and she may be trying to avoid whatever fallout or negativity may come if things that you or she say as a result of these letters are misconstrued.

Good luck. Whether or not she responds, I hope you gain the insight you're looking for.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Krissy's picture

I wouldn't call. Obviously, she knows that you are waiting to talk and she has made the choice not to continue the dialogue that you have started for whatever reason. It may be that she is busy, but honestly, it's probably more that she doesn't want to deal with this right now. I'd be willing to bet that she hasn't forgotten, so at this point another call is maybe bordering on going overboard. If you are really that gung-ho on contacting her again, maybe an email at some point next week would be the best way to go? I agree that the phone call might put her on the spot and you want her to be available and prepared if and when you DO speak.

Good luck!

sacto_madre's picture

In dealing with a BM - my fiance insisted on getting everything in writing via email - including changes to schedules, etc. The BM responded via email in ugly tones and was not nice. When fiance started cc'ing me on schedule changes and other issues, BM refused to respond to email and started back again with phone calls to his work and cell.
I personally like emails - they are a source of documentation - indicates whether parties are agreeable to certain things and can be used as evidence in custody mediation.

But - if they are accusatory like the one you mentioned to BM - meaning accusing her of stating the DH was a terrible father and then folliwng with examples - it is your attempt to understand her. Providing examples of statements BM has made - if you know he is a good father - then why do you feel you have to defend him? His actions speak louder than words when it comes to the child and all he can do is be consistent and the child will either see that or not. Unfortunately the BM will keep trying to confuse the child with her anger and bitterness - which you cannt control and she doesnt seem to care otherwise she wouldnt do it.

The only person his parenting skills matter to are the child. The BM is always going to have her opinion and she will always say negative things to justify her pain. And the BM will always put the child in the middle....

Considering your standpoint - that you are trying to help and get them to co-parent together and help her realize the "error" of her ways - if she is already bitter - it just continues to upset her all that much more.

Not sure how to help - but I would be surprised if you got a response. Having 2 BD of my own - I dont think I would respond to that letter via email. It may cause a bunch of going back and forth and ongoing negativity.