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BM Told us SD8 Doesn't need the things we bought her!!

MollyBee's picture

Arghhh.BM and SD8 arrived home from their month long vacation late Monday evening. SD8's school started Tuesday morning. Last year, BM kept SD8 home from the first week a school to cure her jet lag. FH and I decided to purchase SD8's school supplies when the list became available so we knew she had them and could start school. We took the supplies, book bag and all to BM's house. The screen door was the only door shut and after my FH stood there knocking on the door for 5 minutes I said forget it, leave it on the porch. Obviously BM's boyfriend didn't want to deal with us. Whatever. About an hour later a number we had never seen before popped up on my FH's phone. He didn't answer, and their was no message. Twenty minutes later the number was calling again and I said, "oh answer it what if its SD8 we haven't talked to her in over a month!" Well, he answered it, and it was BM. Man she went on a rampage, obviously right in front of SD8. BM said that she got home and saw the supplies and then took SD8 to the store to pick out her own supplies. She said the only thing that she needs were the dry erase markers because the store was sold out. How rude can one person actually be??? And to say these things right in front of the child!! Then FH asked if he could talk to SD8 and when she got on the phone I swear I heard her heart breaking. We told her we would love to see her and she asked her BM if she could come Wednesday, and we heard BM say, "I guess, if you really want to" That just confirmed for us that she has been trying to brainwash the child for the past month, right before we meet our guardian ad litem. Just great. Then, the next day, she started right up with texting and calling my FH repeatedly. She called and left a voicemail that said " I don't know what you are trying to pull you act like SD8 goes without she never goes without school supplies!" (Yeah, because we have bought them the past few years, because BM asks us to!) "I don't know what you are trying to accomplish, or what Molly is trying to accomplish. Also, tell molly to quit lurking and stalking around my house, what is she infatuated with me?" The last remark could only be the result of one thing. Last week while giving a coworker a ride home who lives about 2 blocks away from BM's house, I saw a cute little dog wandering the streets. I knew right away that it was SD8's dog she got for Christmas from BM 2 years ago. I called out his name and the little dog came running to me. I pondered on whether to take it to the pound, or to give it back. To not break SD8s heart, I gave it back to BM's boyfriend. Once again, BM is acting like an ungrateful bitch. If I would have taken it to the pound BM would have been charged with No dog tags AGAIN, 3rd time this year. So really, I did her a favor, not just SD8. But of course she doesn't see it that way. I know BM is trying to get me and my FH all riled up, but putting the child in the middle of it and not letting her keep the things we bought her is just rude. Everyone knows that kids end up needing more things than what the lists originally called for, why not just let her keep them? I really hope when this GAL comes into play in a few weeks that they see all of the things BM is trying to do!!