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You claim abuse then you want me to babysit you kids for the summer to save you money??

mom in need's picture

Who accuses the step mom of physically abusing the husband and emotionally abusing the step children then makes a request to have the step mom babysit the stepchildren 3 days a week during the summer. WTF I am telling you my DH ex is crazy. One week I am "abusive" & the children can't come the next she is back with her BF and needs cheap child care to save HER $$. What a joke... Why would I ever do this crazy woman any favors after all the nasty, hostel and verbally abusive e-mails and verbal attacks.

Has any one had to deal with this type of crazy?


Shaman29's picture

DH's kid called up one Thursday before visitation weekend wanting to know if her younger sisters could spend the weekend with us too. **DH is not the father of these two girls. Her younger sisters each has their own dad, one is still fighting to be in her life. The other dad has given up and only pays child support.**

At first I freaked out that Uberskank (BM) would even suggest having her call him and ask. Then I said to DH "You should tell your kid to let Uberskank know you'll be happy to babysit her other children for the weekend. For $400."

Your BM sounds like a big whackado.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Sadly, yes our Bm did something somewhat like that to me. She said that I wasnt good enough to watch her kids while DH worked during their winter break (we had them the whole week). She said DH had to take time off work or they couldnt come

Then two weeks later, she texted DH to see if I could drive two and a half hours to meet up with her, during DHs worktime, to pick the skids up 4 hrs early- so she could go on a trip with her then fiance (now her DH).

Ummm.., wasnt I not "good enough" a few weeks earlier? Shes always drama 24/7 !!!

Some BMs just thrive on the drama!!

Ghost Rider's picture

Ugh! yea! your BM and MY BM must be in the same crazy club.

If she didn't want me to take care of the kids on all of her days she suppose to had her own kids to her self on her holidays, she was putting us right back into court.

When she wanted to take a trip one summer she wanted the kids with us early as possible like the day they are out of school.

She didn't hardly want to be near them when they were little and could not do for them selves much. However since they got into their teen years, she wants them around all the time as her buddys. Using their school activity as an excuse to slam their father again as a dead beat. Oh he pays the child support but uses the excuse that he doesn't personally visit with the girls with her as a "Dead beat excuse"

There must be a book out there some where or a club for BM to exchange idea's how to make their exspouse life a living hell , a speical chapter for if exspouse ever remarrys how to become number 1 and step by step on how to slide SM into back seat chapter.

I can not wait until summer just to see what new game she is going to come up with next.

mom in need's picture

Oh can I please do one better... We were out to dinner for my DH birthday and the crazy ex showed up to the same place when she was suppose to have her children. Then between the time she rolled in to eat and the time we exited she smashed my windshield.

smdh's picture

Same scenario, different crazy lady. Wait our BM didn't ASK us to babysit, she demanded and told me it was my responsibility since I'm the SM.

3familiesIn1's picture

BM went from threatening DH with court if I was around them alone one week to agreeing it was totally fine for me to pick them up afterschool and keep them for the 3-4 hours until DH was home from work.

So, BM hates spending time with her kids more than she hates me, I guess. Too bad.