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I have recently come to the conclusion that no matter what I say about Skids-DH takes it as me bitching about them or nagging him about how to do/not do something....long story short-what I view as a casual conversation or discussing an observation-both completely harmless in my mind-will always n forever b taken the completely wrong way n absolutely out of context by DH.....

Therefore I have decided to shut the F*** up!!! However this poses another we pretty much don't talk at ALL bc there is really nothing else that I have to talk about since I'm a stay at home mom now....JOY!!!! Beee sigh....if only the beginning of a relationship lasted for the duration of the marriage....a quote from my grandmother keeps ringing in my head..."if u find a man that u have GREAT conversation with n that makes u laugh-MARRY HIM!!!! Bc when the newness wears off n the sex dies down-that is all u really have." so does that mean that I'm left with nothing now bc we apparently can no longer hold a conversation with each other......unfortunately that is SURE what it feels like.....sigh