Father's Day Ideas Or I'm sick of all of the Mother's Day Posts
I don't mean that to be rude.... I feel like every time I come to ST today, I'm reading the same thing over again.
I think I know what I'm getting DH.
I think I'm getting a weed eater and a tent. I know... kINd of odd gifts but he has been talking about a new weed eater for a couple of weeks. If not a weed eater, a new grill.
We have been talking about going camping but I'm not sure they sell tents to fit our family. lOL. I will have to buy one at a time hahahah So, We probably won't get to go camping but maybe we will spend the day hiking or something. We took all of the kids a couple of years ago and they loved it. We like the idea of experiences more than gifts but it's so hard to take all of the kids to do something.
We don't have a lot of money (especially with all of these kids) LOL.. But I have been recycling cans like nobody's business!!
Do you know what you are getting the men in your life? Or have plans to do something?
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Oh.. Or will you send DH away
Oh.. Or will you send DH away to do something with the kids and have a girl day
Oh that's awesome! Our
Oh that's awesome! Our hammock finally bit the dust last fall. He loved that thing. I think he used it more than I did and he bought it for me LOL.
Lol. I usually don't get DH
Lol. I usually don't get DH anything but a card from me and a few cards from the kids. So I wanted to make this year a little different.
That's totally
That's totally understandable.
They are usually just Hallmark Holidays to us anyways.. we don't go all out .. ever. I just wanted to do something different.
Oh Woe.. Sorry! We usually
Oh Woe.. Sorry!
We usually don't do anything but cookout over the fire pit. It's usually just another day for us. I've never been able to do anything nice for DH though. I thought about getting one of the things and just giving it to him next weekend. We aren't big on gift giving unless it comes to the kids because we are all they have.
That sounds exciting!! I
That sounds exciting!! I would probably be scared too though. With my DH anyways, My anxiety rises sometimes riding with him LOL
I wasn't trying to post shame
I wasn't trying to post shame
just trying to lighten the mood a little.. I did immediately think maybe it wasn't a good idea after I posted but I had to tend to the baby for a bit. I understand feelings are hurt and not everyone had a good weekend and this is a place to let it out. I'm not trying to take away from that and I apologize to anyone who took it that way. I have commented on a lot of the MD posts with sympathies but some.. I just can't relate to. I don't mean to offend anyone
My DH does EVERYTHING last minute. LOL
That is a great idea! My DH
That is a great idea!
My DH is totally against smartphones and touch screens. He always ends up breaking them. He just came home from work a bit ago and the phone he is currently using has a mind of it's own. It turns itself off every time he gets a text. He needs a sturdy phone for his work.
My DH always wants to go out
My DH always wants to go out to eat. He's so easy.
We have no bios together but his lousy daughters never do anything for him, so I do.
I have no idea what to get DH
I have no idea what to get DH from our son for Semen Appreciation Day.
I'm letting the children
I'm letting the children choose for SO with guidance
It's usually pj pants, slipper socks, mugs, chocolates and a special breakfast we cook him. Home made cards and then he goes to his dad for a visit. Comes back and we see my dad. Lots of loves and foot rubs/ back rubs on the day.
It gets HOT here and DH does
It gets HOT here and DH does the lawn weekly/bi-weekly. Its hard work esp in the summer when its in the upper 90's with 100% humidity. It can take all day so you don't have a heat stroke. So for FD I am buying him a lawn service to come out every 2 weeks to do the yard through the summer (so about 2 months) so he doesn't have to during the hardest times of the year. While its not a "gift" it gives him his weekends back and prevents him from having a heat stroke. Plus, then I don't have to hear him complain about cleaning the dog poo before he mows, the yard people will do that lol.
While we don't have a kid together, he is the ONLY father my DD has ever known so I consider him her father and treat him as such. He is a wonderful father to her and she loves him dearly, which is confusing seeing as how he fucked SD up so bad. lol Suppose it really wasn't totally him, when she was little he traveled for work a lot and she was stuck with looney pot head BM.
MY SS17 bought DH a pair of
MY SS17 bought DH a pair of sneakers last year that DH fell in love with. He wants 3 more pairs LOL He makes it easy on us.
aldi has one on sale for 70
aldi has one on sale for 70 bucks. (a tent!) it seems to look decent, according to the sales ad.
but personal opinion, i'd skip the camping - just ask Draco!!!!!!
i love camping, but my idea of camping is way off from the kid's idea. "whaaaaat? no wifi??? where's the tv? what about the beds????" i like water (preferably a stream), tent, air-mattress, fire, food/drink, and bugspray. bathroom facilities are nice, but i dont mind burying t.p. if necessary. surrounded by woods, and no neighbors. the boys would DIE.
not sure what i'll get dh for FD. he's got very simple tastes tho' which kind of makes it harder!