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OH dear this one is loaded.....

mommadukes2015's picture

So it has actually been really eventful around here lately. 


BM1 started re-appearing about two weeks ago. She was regularly calling, telling SO she was getting her life together (again...for the 8th time), going to school to become a CNA (which is funny since, I'm not sure she'd pass state background checks but not my circus) and calling SS12 regularly. 

Friday, SO got laid off until May. Womp. 

On Saturday, BM's Uncle whom she had lived with, with her kids off and on throughout the course of their lives, passed away. It's super sad for SS12. It was also SS12's half brother's birthday. She kept calling SO crying and blating and he just "yup, yup uh huh". I just got off the phone with BM's mom and sister, who she's apperently treating like sh*t because she wants Uncle's house and sister is living in it. ?????

Now, if you've follwed me in the past, SS12's little brother's bio dad, Big Daddy, raised SS12 for the 1st 3 years of his life as if he was his own. This was before SO knew about SS12. SO has worked hard to ensure that SS12 has maintained a relationship with Big Daddy and his family after he and BM broke up. So on Sunday we went to Little Bro's (LB) birthday party at Big Daddy's. 

Big Daddy and his girlfriend broke up around Christmas time. Big Daddy and GF have 2 bio kids together. It was sad. They recently got back together (yay!) but not before hitting full on self-destrcut mode. She ended up with a DWI. He.....just when you think it can't get any worse than a DWI...SLEPT WITH BM1 to get back at GF-LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. Puke. Puke. Puke. Needless to say they seem to have worked it out. But that's going to bother me for a few days. 

At the party, SO ended up getting the lo down from Big Daddy, I from GF. Needless to say, I had enough drama for the day. GF uploaded cute pictures of the party, tagged me and the other attendees. I go about my day.  

Today, one of my co-workers calls me. I figured she called to discuss some paperwork I'm working on for a mutual client. No. She is also my facebook friend and called to grill me about one of the other mom's at the party. Apperently said mom is the ex of her brother who was supposed to have visitation with one of her boys that day. I guess, the mom told the dad he couldn't have visitation that day because one of the children was sick. But here I am in a bunch of tagged FB photos with said child ,bopping around minding my own business in the background. 

So she called to see "how in the world" I know the mom in question. I don't. I honestly didn't even know her name. She's apperently Big Daddy's neighbor who is having some kind of surgery today. That's all I know. The one little boy was coughing for what it's worth, but I don't even know if it's the right little boy because according to co-worker she has 3 different baby daddies? Anyway, she downloads me on all this drama with these people I don't even know.Apperelty the dude that is her, well I thought husband, is her boyfriend and a felon. She's apperently got psychiatric issues. They really didn't seem that bad to me, and I was happy to hang out with other parents having fun. But.... like WOAH-I didn't ask to know any of this. I just went to a birthday party.  

So I get off the phone, did not talk about client or paperwork at all, and I go back inside (I only get cell service outside, and it's freaking cold). I tell SO what just happened to me. He asks me about said co-worker. I tell him she runs our finance and HR departments (small company, smaller world apperently) and he alerts me to the fact the reason I feel uneasy is probably due to the fact that the whole phone call was incredibly inappropraite. Now he's slightly perturbed and tells me to just let the drama stay in Dramatown. That whole area is like that apperently, where people have nothing better to talk about than each other. I tell him, well with his background just want until she figures out who you are. :jawdrop: 

Anyway, I went to a party, ate some cupcakes, played with a cute baby. Lived my light and WHOMP drama. 




justmakingthebest's picture

See now... its those kinds of things that keep me and SO in our own anti-social bubble! LOL

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Hey... Our BM WAS a CNA... Emphasis on WAS... Apparently getting fired for never going to work and drugs makes you unhireable... WEIRD.

That's way too much drama... This is why social events suck... i even threatened not to throw parties for SD5 anymore after the last fiasco... And the year before that... Also why I want to move FAR away from this little disaster town... Too much relation to BM... I need space... Preferably in a place that's not so weirdly expensive (except in housing??? Someone explain that?)

StepUltimate's picture

Days, days, Days-of-Our-LIVES levels of drama! That sounds so crazy BUT I believe it; I live in DH's Smalltownville USA and Everyone. Knows. Everything.  About Everyone.   so basically we're planning to retire in another state and just come here to visit skids & Gskids. 

P.S. It was my hairstylist who revealed the gossip network of this town is partially-fueled by FB. She's known DH all their lives, and updates him on everybody he knows/knew whenever DH gets his hair cut. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Wow. How well do you even KNOW that co-worker?? Unless you have a close relationship (friends outside of work), that IS inappropriate. At the very most, I would have said Yes, the party was this weekend and NO, I do not know this woman. Gads.