OT Power Outtage
So last night just before dinner the power goes out. I cooked my favorite Tuscan Garlic Chicken and I was over the moon it had just finished as the power started surging. Power came back on roundabout 6:15 this morning.
We ate dinner by kerosene lamp and listened to BD2 lose her mind because well, she's 2 and has no idea WTH was happening. Needless to say we're going to skip the Chicken Little Nursery Rhymes.
So after dinner I get out some puzzles and this magnetic fairy thing she likes to play with and SS11's tablet still had 1% battery and he was gonna use it until the very last drop of juice was left. After it died I told him he could do puzzles with us.
He disappeared for 5 minutes and comes back out with his fully charged Nintendo DS. Much to his dismay, I confiscated that sucker because no.
Power outages are for puzzles and scrabble and monopoly and reading and cushion fort building.
He was NOT pleased and I do NOT care. Sometimes I'm really really glad I grew up with technology rather than after the fact.
SOOOO what do ya'll like to do when the power is out?
- mommadukes2015's blog
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This made my morning.
This made my morning.
Tehe. I'll pack up BD2 and go
Tehe. I'll pack up BD2 and go belly up for some choco milk next time!
Ohhhhh you haves my
Ohhhhh you haves my attention!
mine as well...
mine as well...
spit nails - cause can't be
spit nails - cause can't be on internet......
light some candles, pour some wine.... lite a fire and have a BBQ..... what else is there to do lol....
keep in mind no more kids in the house...
when Deigma was small - oh we told ghost stories and we build a cushion fort in the living room and colored and who knows what, but we did not have TV so sometimes we simply switched off the lights and pretended there was no electricity....
I used to love when the power
I used to love when the power was out when I was little. That's when I got 100% attention from whatever parent was home and they made it fun.
I grew up on a farm and there
so I have no problem with having none....
did you also do hand shadows on the wall in candle light, chicken, wolf, rabbit jumping...
now that was huge entertainment, a full concert lol
I didn't think of that! Next
I didn't think of that!
Next time I'll add it to the arsenal of non-electrical fun.
Thankfully I live in a very
Thankfully I live in a very populated area so we don't have to deal with it too often.
We usually spend the first 20 minutes texting with the neighbors "Is your power out?" "Yours too?" "Yeah I heard the big boom" "No apocalypse."
Then we look for candles and flashlights that are in obvious spots but when the power is out we can't seem to find them.
Complain how we can't open the fridge, how we hope our food doesn't go bad and that we hope the power comes back on before it gets too hot in the house.
Finally we settle down with candles and flashlights to play a board game and like 10 minutes later BOOM- Light there be light!
Yes, it took me so long to
Yes, it took me so long to decide on a book last night-I didn't want to read any of my crime novels because I'm a big puss when it comes to the dark.
I settled on The Help. I've seen the movie-never read the book. I'm 5 chapters in as of this morning. lol
Thank goodness for books.
Thank goodness for books.
Bahahha I had a thought in my
Bahahha I had a thought in my head last night "if this was the zombie apocalypse BD2 would get us all killed."
Well la dee dah! Lucky.
Well la dee dah!
It's definitely a worth while
It's definitely a worth while investment then! I live in Upstate NY so we get our fair share of in-climate weather but nothing like what they get in Tornado Ally. SHESH. Although I was working a psych hospital down near NYC when Sandy hit-I've never seen anything like it. It took them 4 days to get things going there again.
And it would be just my luck too-get a generator never lose power again.
It's also funny you should mention you moved to Utah. I was wondering the other day, what are people from Utah called? Like I'm a New Yorker-so are you Utah-nian?
Well la dee dah! Lucky.
Well la dee dah!
BD2 and SS11 (who is on the
BD2 and SS11 (who is on the spectrum) fight like cats and dogs.
Drives me nuts.
I tweak it a bit though-
I don't put the ingredients in the same pan I cooked the chicken in if I use a pan (the oil separates and to me is unsightly)
I double the cream, chicken broth parmesan cheese, Italian Seasoning and Garlic Powder so there is more sauce for the linguine.
I also use chicken tenderloins that I make in my NuWave oven-just plain (they're way less of a hassle to deal with the chicken breasts).
I use Julienne cut sundried tomatoes with all of the juice drained out of the glass container (separates once it gets mixed in with the cream sauce).
Fresh spinach is a MUST for the recipe.
I tweak it a bit though-
I don't put the ingredients in the same pan I cooked the chicken in if I use a pan (the oil separates and to me is unsightly)
I double the cream, chicken broth parmesan cheese, Italian Seasoning and Garlic Powder so there is more sauce for the linguine.
I also use chicken tenderloins that I make in my NuWave oven-just plain (they're way less of a hassle to deal with the chicken breasts).
I use Julienne cut sundried tomatoes with all of the juice drained out of the glass container (separates once it gets mixed in with the cream sauce).
Fresh spinach is a MUST for the recipe.
what is a zoodle?
what is a zoodle?
If it's what I think it is...
If it's what I think it is... isn't that like spaghetti-o's? Pasta in a can? Except animal shaped?
uh yeah...
uh yeah... lol
OH WOW Those look gross.
OH WOW Those look gross.
Indeed they are. As are
Indeed they are. As are alphagetti, spaghettio's, chef boyardee everything.... :sick: :sick: :sick:
That's perfect! I need to low
That's perfect! I need to low carb it too but I just can't give this stuff up. It's my fav.
Where does one find such a thing in the grocery store? Or do you make it?
try celetti... celery cut up
try celetti... celery cut up like you described the zoodled zucchini
I just made up the word. lol
Kale chips? Can you have the
Kale chips?
Can you have the no oil chips?
can you have popcorn? We make
can you have popcorn?
We make ours on the stove with butter... and add garlic poweder, onion powder, salk & pepper, and a bit of chili powder...
Haha, I love power outages!
Haha, I love power outages! My favorite memories are summers in a central Ontario, fly-in fishing camp. They had a generator during the day to run the ice machine and water filters. It went on at 5am and off at 7pm. We had iceboxes to keep cold food cold, and the first chore each morning was replacing the ice to keep the food cold.
Evenings were Sheep's Head, Euchre, Poker, Cribbage, Nuts (aka competitive solitare), chess, Clue, Monopoly, puzzles, and books all by lantern-light.
I had been enforcing a No-Electronics family game night, but Band (SD11) and Karate (SS10) have somehow overtaken it.