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So I’m blowin’ This popsicle stand for the weekend

mommadukes2015's picture

I’m meeting up with a bunch of college friends this weekend in the Berkshires for some chillaxing since it’s going to rain all weekend. We had planned on kyacking and doing outdoor stuff (which I dislike-it’s not so much the activity or being outside I just have a strong fear of weird fish, snakes, bears, bees-you know the stuff that lives in the outdoors. 

Anyway, that leaves SO here with the kids to man the fort all weekend. In addition to the kids-I started fostering rescue pugs. The first one is a senior guy and he and my 3 year old are in love. Naturally, he’s now perment member of our household. So yay for that. But he needs a lot of meds, and SO will have to deal with that too. 

Ive cleaned and bought everything I could possibly think they may need. 

I thought I had thought of everything. Except telling the kids. O_O. 

My 3 year old said she’d miss me but didn’t really seem phased. SS on the other hand-had a complete meltdown. I have not seen him do this EVER. He is on the spectrum and usually fields change pretty well but with BM being MIA for months, I think that’s got a lot to do with it-even though he tells me it’s just because I won’t be home for battle bots tomorrow night (it’s an event in this house) which I’m sure part of it is too. Ugh. I feel like such an ass for forgetting to warn him. I showed him the pre-made dinners and that seemed to help a bit. 

Buuuut on the bright side, SO and I did need to buy a new mattress after FIL went to the hospital, then back to his wife, then to ICU and now a rehab facility. (Thank heavens-I really do think she was trying to kill him) I digress, and it’s coming today. 

Now im just debating if I should take SO’s restraints off the frame before the movers get here with the bed......
