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Well that was short lived.

mommadukes2015's picture

BM picked SS up this morning. I met her with him on my way to a meeting.

She just dropped him off. She said he'd been quiet and kind of sulky all day. She asked if I knew why. I said he was not very happy this morning and quite frankly he's been a little off these last few weeks.

She then proceeded to tell me that he told her he had a dry throat and it had been like that since two days after school let out (1 week ago). But he told her he was afraid to tell me the truth but he wasn't afraid to tell his Dad the truth-yet he never said anything to SO about a sore throat. Mind you-this is a child who a week ago insisted I set up a dentist appointment for him when his tooth was loose-it was the last baby tooth and it fell out before I scheduled the appointment-I knew that's what it was. He's also the kid who I picked up from school and babied for 2 days when he got the stomach bug and BM didn't bother to call or ask how he was feeling. He's also the kid who told me he had a nose bleed while visiting his uncle and again yesterday while I was working. It's really humid-his dad has been getting them too.

I asked SS about it after she left. I asked him why he thought he would get in trouble and what he thought would happen. He said he didn't have the courage to tell me. I asked him if he ever got in trouble for being sick. Nope. I asked him what he usually gets in trouble for. His answer: lying, cussing and arguing.

Some of the statements that came out of his mouth are not things that he would say. They came from somewhere else. But what I don't know is if he is playing the situation or if BM really is just an evil bitch.

Open mouth-insert both feet.

Whatever. My vaca starts today and she can pound the salt lick I bought after last night.


Maxwell09's picture

It sounds like you're doing all of the motherly care for him but he wants his mom to do it. Perhaps he was just trying to see if she'd step up and when she asked why you didn't do it, it probably just word vomitted he was worried/scared/nervous to tell you. If I were you I wouldn't take it personally since when you confronted him, he knew the truth. I think he's just trying to get a reaction out of the risk of throwing you under the bus of course *eyeroll* This kids never learn, or they learn the hard way way too late.

mommadukes2015's picture

SS doesn't make statements like "I wouldn't have a problem telling Dad the truth" and "I didn't have the courage". They are are simply just not statements he makes it vernacular he even uses. When you ask him a question he doesn't generally give a direct answer. That was scripted. Or word vom'd.

I don't scream. I don't yell. . Generally my go to statement is "it's not a debate, it's a matter of fact and that's the end of it." In a calm low-I'm done with this tone. I picked it up working with children in the psych hospital. SS is not afraid to tell me anything. In fact, most of the time I wish he'd tell me less (he talks a LOT). I have no issues with SS's behavior other than he doesn't care to pay attention to anything he's doing. Putting clothes on backwards, dumping his cereal all over the counter.

He's sad and he's sulky because his mom has seen him for less than now 15 hours in the lat 3 months. He can't be upset because of that-no it must be someone-anyone else's fault. She was going to take him yesterday through Monday. She took him from 10:45 until 6:15 today. I'm doing all the motherly care for him because she decided that she's done being a full time or even part time parent. More like a "whenever I feel like it" parent.

mommadukes2015's picture

My SO is CP which is what makes what you guys are saying all the more true. She's the NCP at this point. She's seen him 1x a month for the last 3 months not even totaling 24 hours.

I think her call to tell me she would gladly give us full physical and to request mediation was just a decoy to get us into mediation and flip the script-I told her there would be no need for mediation if she was going to give us what we were asking for because she can just tell the judge and be done with it. Sorry sweet cheeks.