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MoominMama's picture

SS18 has a months student work at a DIY store - that's good. He gets up, does the work and it seems to be fine. The only thing that is getting me right now (the break from him in the day is wonderful ) is that for 3 days running I have noticed that his ID card and wallet are lying on his bedside cabinet. It is illegal in this country to be anywhere without your ID, he has been told and it has always been made clear to him. But the thing lays there.... it will be a 50 euro fine if he gets asks to produce it, that's the first time and if it happens again he will be in more trouble. He can pay the fine but I don't get why, when you grow up in a country with this system, he sees his parents etc always having it with them and is told quite plainly that it must be with him at all times he just doesn't bother? What's the problem? a small credit card thing is too heavy for him to carry? No room in his backpack for anything other than his lunch?..

I don't get this kid. He always ignores rules and expectations. His attitude of 'only on his terms' will butt up against the law one day. It's his problem now that he is 18 and daddy can't wipe his ass over this one.


twoviewpoints's picture

His father should make SS put the fine cost up away to be certain when the obstinate young man's luck runs out. 

Your SS intentions to learn his lesson on this one the hard way. He's not two and you can't chase him down every morning assuring he has his id on him. So, let him learn the hard way. 

My oldest son, back when he was your SS's age learned. It took once. Here, we must carry our driver's license when driving. My son disliked carrying his wallet. He claimed his wallet bothered him in his back pocket while driving. Of course his driver's license was in his wallet. I nagged and grumbled at him over it, but it was his vehicle and his own vehicle insurance, so it was nothing that would come back on me. Let him be stubborn. 

I got a call from a tiny county sheriff's office one Friday evening about 11pm. My son and a friend were headed home from a town about 30 miles away where they went to a football game. Coming into that town is a very short space speed limit drop. Goes from like 50 to 35 miles an hour. Yeah, a small town speed trap *shrugs* rural life. 

Anyway, son got pulled over for 43 mph and of course he didn't have his wallet aka no driver's license to show the county deputy. Mr. Deputy called to have me bring son's license and (we do have x amount of time to prove a license).  So I get out of bed , yank my shorts and tee with flip flops on and drive over there. I walk in, glance at my son and hand the sheriff son's license. 

Mr. Sheriff was not impressed with me. I guess I was suppose to be all upset and scream at my teen. I got a lecture from Mr Sheriff on the seriousness of carrying one's license and how I should take this as not funny. Yeah, I'm sure he saw me grin at my kid when I walked in. 

Meh, consequence enough being caught without license and having to have me come. Kid knew it was a major "I told you so" moment. Son got a ticket for speeding and I went home and back to bed. Yep, son paid his own speeding ticket. And hes never left home without his driver's license ever again. It just took that one hard lesson. 

Maxwell09's picture

Meh. Maybe mention the idea of having him put up the 50e for when he gets caught but as an adult here, I forget my wallet multiple times a week and it is required to be on your person when driving. I've gotten to the point of just leaving it in my car so I will always have it if I need it. Perhaps suggest to your skid to keep it in his car. (ID-obviously not money).